Friday, March 06, 2009
hey guys.back for another update.recently, i have been more exposed the ways of Christ cuz have been going more often to church.its a good thing too. (:and i've come to realise that praying is not about how well others think u pray, but a communication with i don't have to really care about the people listening to my how long it should be, or how well versed i am.i hope to be more confident with the things i say and stop having all these brain freezes.also, last time at dawn's place for cell, Jeanie talked about friendship and all the friends we have in Basket 1,2 and 3 [closest to not so close].i'm really glad she touched on this topic as i feel i am having this problem in the recent events of my life.sometimes its really hard to please each and every one of our friends.trying to be the number 1 friend to everyone.proverbs 18 : 24" A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother"so true so simple terms, people who are popular doesn't mean he/she has many close friends who will stick around in bad times.most just playplayplay, ha.ha.ha, hi, bye and that's it.not much to the deeper level of intimacy.but anyway, those are what Jeanie taught us about.i realise that when someone who is in my Basket 1 or 2 places me in Basket 3, there will always be that trace of disappointment.usually this will cause me to feel left out, in a way.instead of going on to try make it work out better by talking to them, etc, i will just keep quiet and go on with the flow of another words, i'm just digging my own grave to depression.but last night taught me to place God in the middle of Basket 1 and to turn to Him with my problems.i feel it has taken away more of my disappointment and hurt.there's also friends who are seasonal and sometimes they can be the best kinda friends to have.
i have such a friend - hui fang.
and i really appreciate her being in my life. (:
alright, i gtg now.seeyaaa!!!
Monday, March 02, 2009
haha. i think the only ones who remembered to know were Rosy, bibi and ester.the other 3 of us probably forgot that there are 3 shots in the self-timer.yay! SENTOSA WAS FUN! (:i took many many many[!] photos of 2 little England lads by the name of Trey and Tristian.
Tristian the older naughtier bully of a brother.
Trey, holding to the ball was sweet as an angel but just as mischievous. (:
they are just adorable, arent' they?!maybe i might make an animated picture of them probably later.i'm sick of trying to minimize the pictures.ALL SO BIGGG!