Friday, February 27, 2009

do u remember those cartoons u used to watch back in the 1990s?
well, i loved 1985's RAINBOW BRITE more than anything i've ever watched.
more than barney, more than sesame street and bugs bunny.
i watched it almost everyday in my childcare when i was a kid.
if u have not watched it before, all the characters are all in different colours of the rainbow.
oooooh, how i love rainbow colours. (:
SHIOK! today went to Sentosa with my classmates!
fun fun fun!
thanks to andy for lending me his DSLR.
got some pretty good shots for zeee's photoshoot and sentosa trip.
tmr have to do a small photoshoot for jessica and hazel too.
busy busy busy.
there are some very funny photos i thought of posting here.
maybe some other days.
gtg sleep on my rainbow dreams! (:
night night!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED BACK AT UR BABY PHOTOS AND GO, "HOLY MOLEY, WHAT IN THE WORLD WENT WRONG?!"well, i did.i was looking though my baby photos just now and i came across this picture of 4 or 5 year old me wearing an awful excuse of a clown outfit with some nasty looking mud splatter all over me.i think i was in a friend's birthday party.but still, that's no way to look in a party!and i've always loved this pale pink ruffled bib dress shirt and i like to part it with my red wooden clogs.i love to wear my mum's long auntie-like skirts cuz i love the silky flowy feel of it when it brushes my legs whenever i walk.with those huge oldie sunglasses, i thought i was the cooliest girl in town.but looking back at that picture, i've learnt my lesson.AND I REMEMBERED HOW I LOVED TO TUCK IN MY BLOUSES.when i grew up, i grew wiser.
pink ruffled bib dress shirts does not go with red wooden clogs.silky long auntie skirts are a big fashion NO NO no matter how lovely it feels.and never ever tuck in my blouses unless matched with pencil skirts.i can't believe how my parents didn't stop me from commiting these fashion crimes.never once.but now, my mum will go on and on how slippers are meant to be worn only in market areas and not to school or to church.
even my Roxy slippers sets her off.