Saturday, August 23, 2008
like, for real.Amin said that my face can handle this kinda hair, so we shall see.
when i have the money, time and knows which saloon to get it done, u'll see me strutting my stuff down the road with my funky crazy get up.but for now, just me and my boring long, surprising now that i can say that i have long a blink of an eye, my length went from short V that starts from above shoulders, to the end of my shoulder blades [well, i estimated it to be. haha]feel like going for another round of hair extensions but as much as i love to have other colours and thicker hair [YES PLEASE. i am bolding as days go by. i'm not joking.], money and TLC for the extensions are the issue. hair extensions are so hard to maintain!and going by a dollar each, i spent a total of 45 dollars to lengthen the end of my hair the previous time.and it wasn't very me, 45 strands are not enough to get ur hair thickened.also, i have been thinking of getting my wavy perms.but it will look scandy so HAIR EXTENSIONS once money, no hair extension or perm.ANY-O-HOW, hair woes aside.
today i rushed down to Meritas Mandrain to support nick, zeee, jess, amin, yee shan and allison in their F1 performance.the actual purpose was to be their video-grapher but the F1 people have professionals in to get the job done so i didn't need to get my camera out, after all.
like what they always say, GEAR UP UR ENGINES, READY, GET SET.... GO! [or something like that]hung out with zeee, jess and amin for dinner in marina KFC.i think hui fang will want to puke cuz we have been feasting on Kentury Fried Chicken for 1 week plus?yup. during the crazy mugging period for exams.oh right, forgot to add, EXAMS ARE OVER FOR ME, BAYBEH! (:heh heh heh.all the best for those whose exams are not over! (:i'm happy i'm happycuz i went shopping with my classmates yesterday.straight after the "Meet Dave" movie, we went to Plaza Sing to shop.i finally bought the "snow boots" which i wanted to get after so long.i was scared to get it cuz i don't know if i have the nerves to wear it out in a place like singapore.but i want to dance in those kinda i didn't bother to care so much anymore and got a pair from Cotton On.i wanted to get Lazensa's but it was like twice the price of cotton on and was more home wear rather than for outtings.and... and and
i finally got myself another pair of earrings from a shop in The Cathy.i lost a side of my Wright Brother aeroplane earring so i went back to order another. =(
got myself another pair which has a merry-go-round rocking horse at one side and a carriage [like cinderalla] at the other. (:hmm, right, FIREWORKS.last night bibi and i went to Lau Ba Sat [direct translation = old market] to meet up with her sis and sis's boyfriend.but before that, we were sitting on the fence about the decision whether or not to go for the fireworks cuz we were soooo soooo tired and our eyes were almost giving up on us.was meaning to Jade and Meng Seng but plans were on and off.just tonight, jess, zee, amin and i caught a brief glimpse of tonight's fireworks. hohoas always, fireworks excites me.its always so dazzling and amazing how pretty they can be.just bursting in the sky for a second or two and fading away.whoopie. (:i really hope that they will add more varieties in the fireworks, pretty as they may be, it can get boring after watching the same kind over and over, that's all for now.gotta catch up my snoozes.see ya! (:
9:43 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, August 14, 2008
oh yes i believe so.because i think i happened to be a lot cleverer up in my crown before the waves of exams hit us.all i know i can think of is 'psychology is blab blab blab.'
i practically had to squeeze dry my brain of its "juices" to get out some answers for my Adult Nursing paper.
all that is left is a worn out sponge which can't really absorb much of psychology.
but hell no, i'm not retaking my psychology module again this semester.
guess i just gotta cramp.
as what the psychologist would term it as chunking of information into the long term memory.
for me, i will put them into my short term memory so i can just vomit out the contents back to Mr Ivan and get it over with. (:
these few days have been studying with Hui Fang - my Temporary GF.
yup, i'm her temporary BF now because jw is in Army while i have been seeing and will be seeing hui fang in about 2 to 3 weeks straight in a row.
can't wait for exams to be over so that we can attempt our first choreography together. (:
i hope it will turn out great and be a pleasant and refreshing surprise.
alright, that's all for now. back to my psychology notes.
more updates after my last paper.
till then,
9:30 AM
World of Cameras
Friday, August 08, 2008
i dont know why some people can hate her so much.
but i love what's she's doing for the society and watching America's Next Top model makes me see how down to earth she is!
also, i love her EYES! GOSH!
her eyes can tell a story.
so many emotion can be portrayed out.
lately, i have another little small fetish.teehee.yeah, a little "girl meets boy" fetish.i saw him twice lately!!!today and yesterday.and the surprising thing is that he was seen coming out of this company which is very very near my house.i think he is working there now.hoho.and i kinda estimate what time he ends work.gosh! i sound like some stalker!haha, but whatever.hmm, i think some of my dance mates will know how he looks like.all i can say is that he is a FB alumni and i really like the way he dance.i think i started noticing him when he viewed my friendster.and saw him in person in FB's audition.he was like, blending in as a freshie.and then, i started seeing him around Blk E sometimes practising for their production.anyway i think he has a girlfriend.but its okay. haha.just a eye candy, nothing today, i went to find Rene in SAO to pass her the Big Groove photos which i have developed.went to meet Eunice and Yana after that and cap to Ferrer Road to return the wheelchair.THANKS FOR THE INVITES!i had a good time hanging out with them.we went to Island Creamery to slack.oh jolly, i can't wait for Eunice's birthday cuz we plan to cook a feast on that day.Eunice as chief for main course, me as dessert chief.Yana, what chief do u want to be?we took a lot of photos with Eunice's fabulous camera.i'm happy with most shots.i love my eyes now cuz of the contact lens. (:shall post them when i get them from her!alright.what else.DANCE COMPANY'S was a better than i expected it to be.i really like 2 of their with Synergy and the ending item. (:alright! some photos from the Istana performance! (:here are some of the photos which i took for the girls.
yan and jess.i took one super nice photo of yan but i dont know if she likes it.our taste different la. haha.
the cheena "sisters"
so ethnic!lovin' it! (:
with President Mr Nathanwhen we were getting ready in SAO's meeting room, we did what we always do - Cam-whoring. (:
jess and i
this photo is to Ervinna. haha. *inside joke on the act cute pose*
Rene so pretty right? haha. pretty hamtaro
so chinese new year. haha
i like our malay eye shadow the best. (:
the indians with their barang barangs.
Chinese so care-free.
malays so united! (:
hamtaro eats ice cream too.
in the car on the way to the Istana. Malays one car, chinese one car, indians one car.
me, shaheera, rabiah and yan.
on the way home.
heera pretty right? she looks like a malay princess in the costume. haha
rab so cute. haha!
with Fake eyelashes for the first time.
and lastly, LONG JOHNS to feed our growling tummies.
7:36 AM
World of Cameras
Monday, August 04, 2008
=(oh yes i do.
looking back on all the photos from dance camp, i realise how much we have changed. from our looks to our figures, and even the size of the club itself!will we be having a dance camp this year?hmm, i wonder.
8:07 AM
World of Cameras
Friday, August 01, 2008
hoho. went to Punggol's kindergarten with zeee and nick to help zeee in her choreographing job for their was very tired and zeee taught the teachers the steps for the dance to teach the kids.nick and i helped i was the flower, nick the bee and zeee the ladybirds.haha. cute right?i hope i can go and help out with the kids.then can see so many kids!like around 400, if i am not wrong. haha.initally i went out of the house thinking that today there is lessons.after much confirmation, i realise there is no classes at all for me today!so i went to city hall to develope some films and intended to wait in the MRT station for kin first, she was accompanying me to NUS to get the "Monsters of Hiphop" tickets but she has to rush back to school for her elective so can't make it in the end.oh well, its okay cuz when i was on the way to NUS, allison told me that the tickets for both sat and sun night ARE SOLD OUT!like wth! selling like hot cakes!but lucky for us, they are having a matinee on at least we get to watch their production, even though its a afternoon show and head down to east coast for the after-party or something like that.HOHO. can't wait, actually. (:anyway, i practically stayed in the mrt station for like almost 2 hours cuz kept changing destination.luckily i have MRT concession. muahahhaha.OH YES! i saw Peter today.
haha! couldn't recognise him cuz of his new hairstyle.
so ya, basically that's all for for yesterday,i went to find eunice and nick after school outside the studio.played Heroes with Nick while Eunice played a cute game.
THIS IS THE CAMERA NECKLACE WHICH I WANT TO GET!!!i saw it in Bugis and it was selling for 10 dollars.but didnt bring enough money.then i saw it in Far East when i was shopping for costumes with Yan BUT ITS SELLING AT 15 DOLLARS.what for pay for that 5 dollar profit.and when i went for my Bangkok trip, i saw it in a shop but my dad didn't let me buy cuz he found out that its a lighter. =( -.-"
anyway, here's Eunice oh-so-happy with her cheese cake. (:Nick and i went to accompany Zeee to a warehouse somewhere near Payah Lebah to discuss the F1 performance which is coming soon.GUESS WHO IS THE EVENT ORGANISER?Hector? i can't really remember his name.Harnish?LOL.but anyway, he was one of my partner when i went with Jade to help Jason in his Salsa 1A class in Chinatown.and another fun fact which i just realise about him is that he's an alumni in DC.HAHA!hmm, the next thing i should find out is probably his name again. KEPT FORGETTING!
anyway, a snap shoot of zeee in his office.
her cool jazz sneakers which i thought at first sight was:1) the support the doc will give u when u break ur leg and it will look like u have those transformers' feet. [can't remember what its called. haha.]2) a pair of rollerblades.haha.
we saw this drawing on a HDB building when we were crossing the over head bridge."Bushy Mr Bean" was quoted from Zeee ah! haha.
she looks like she is some fed up neighbour complaining. "EH! why is ur music so loud? kao, so noisy, CAN'T SLEEP LA!"
this shot looks like a public awareness poster."don't let strangers into ur house".[once again, quoted from zeee.]
we had to cross another over head bridge after we left and we just fooled around with my cameras.i like this photo of zeee. (:
those bags look like a dead body right?so i thought that this photo can be seen as two ways.if dead body, "i'm sorry i had to leave u behind" - girl died and nick is alone in this world without her.if bags, "i'm sorry i had to leave u behind" - he is leaving his family/girlfriend for some heroic purpose.LOL.any how only, germaine.
them in character.
zeee playing with my fisheye.
nick crying over the "cropse".after this, i went to Siglap to meet my bibi, jade, sin yee and daniel in Royal cafe.
i keep getting lost!
what is wrong with me lately.
like direction retard lately.
HAHA! that's all! (:oh, there are so many photos from Production '08 [delirium] and NDP performance in Pasir Ris!i'm too lazy to post them up la. hahabesides, everyone else has post them le. haha.i'll just post a few nice ones. later.when i am free. (:till then,TOODLES! (:
5:56 AM
World of Cameras