Friday, June 27, 2008
suddenly i miss Peter and his strict but effective method of instructing.i don't know why.i know that every one of the seniors are putting in their very best to help the club.but i just feel that more can be done.listening to salva me [within two] brings back memories - of him and of those times me, yan, zeee, nick, amin and a occasional few would go to Block E.dancing and Hero-ing[zeee, nick and i]. HOHO. (:
8:38 PM
World of Cameras
Thursday, June 26, 2008
because my splits are finally showing results.guess those times stretching at home have finally paid off! (:i was like thinking "OMGOSH OMGOSH!" when my head touch the ground during the centre split.cuz i have never been this low aiming for my chest to contact the floor too. (:side splits have also improved cuz i almost felt my "u-know-what" touch the floor - but only when i bounce. haha. BUT STILL! hurray!need to work harder harder harder!happyhappyhappy.Mei xian cancelled today's dance practice because the club's attendance was very poor. she was really angry about it so i hope everyone will make the effort to come for all dance practices especially now that a new instructor is coming in next tues. i will also put in my share of effort too.
i'm excited and nervous for his arrival. a few of us [hui fang, yan, treasa, nick, le xiang and i] remained as Zeee gave us a small lyrical class.I REALLY ENJOY MYSELF!!!!!i really really love this new choero - "bleeding love"i love the steps too! hahahahha. high.high.high.i'm happy with the juniors whom stayed back and practice outside the studio.they remind me of my batch early days in SA.miss those crazy moments man! (:JIA YOU TO MY JUNIORS, OKAY?
AND MY SENIORS TOO! (: (: (: (:*thank you to Sam and May for coming to watch my suntec performance! (: LOVES! i promise to put up a much better performance in the future!!!*
9:01 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, June 19, 2008

[a photo which i took with my friend's camera at the singapore art museum. its like heaven breaking through the clouds.]
... and u will notice this if u took the time to have a good look around u.i was taken aback by how clouds can be so amazingly beautiful and graceful in the sky.they seemed to be like mush mallows or a soft cotton wool bed.i'm back from Thailand trip and i had a good time there! (:this time, i didn't buy many things because i'm shopping with my parents and they tend to prevent me from overspending, which is good but i don't get to buy much for my friends.sorry to u guys if what i bought for u are just some small small stuffs. not as grand or expensive as the Hong Kong presents. hope u guys will like it! (:we bought many titbits and foodies cuz my parents want to give them to their friends.i bought some delicious dried strawberries, mangos and candies for u guys!we went on a search for dog clothings and we found wide array of it in a corner pet shop.they are just so adorable!there's things like, jumpers, suits, tutus, sports shirts, Santa Claus costumes, Elves costumes, dresses, nettings, BIKINIS, clowns costumes, ELVIS PRESLY imitation costume and hairdo and the list goes on and cute!we bought around 10 sets for Jackie and my friends' doggies. (:we didn't go to the wet market but we went to many palaces and temples.i find the people there are very tradition, polite and full of respect for their Royal family esp the King, the monks and their Gods.5 years back when i went to Thailand with my family inclusive of my nai nai, the place was quite backwards.
but now, things are more expensive and modern.they have sky trains and MRT [they call it the BTR? i'm not too sure. haha] and even PARAGON!we stayed in Asia Hotel and its near Siam station so we always see the Paragon.there's brands like Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Guess and whatnot.
most costumers are the Caucasians or Europeans.
i checked out the conversion rate of Euro to Thai buat.
its like 1 Euro = 50 plus buats
*GASP!* rich asses.
but not many Thais go there because its really expensive so they flood the whole of basement which has the Food Court and many choices of international, they have a Gourmet Market there too.
one thing i really love about Thailand is that they really put in the effort to help save the Earth.
there's a mall called ZEN and it promotes, gives ideas and even have an exhibition of photographs taken by professional photographers whom flew up in helicopters to take photos of different parts of the Earth.
its to showcase the beauty of the world now so that people will realise what a lovely place the Earth is and to stop polluting it.
i found a brochure which states things like, "let's donate unwanted clothes to our "re-use" campaign charity fro less fortunate people, and/or used batteries for consolidation towards better waste management and get up to 10% discount sticker."
"Get a free "For a Greener Earth" foldable bag when shopping."
i love those ideas. (:
currently, they are holding a exhibition of Orchards so there were many photographers with DSLR cameras snapping away.the orchards are so pretty! i love the Taiwan's and Japan's. (:Singapore's was also showcased there.we failed to find the shopping markets of China Town.all we saw were hardware stores.but on the day of departure, we were told that we have to walk really far from the MRT station or sit a toto.oh wells. haha
i love aeroplanes especially planes like Singapore Airlines, Thai Airlines [because its in purple and high class], Buhran [did a spell it correctly? its a rich muslim dominated place full of natural oil.],etc etc.
alright, i got to go now.see ya!photos will be posted after i have developed the films.
they were waiting for me at the pick up area in the airport and we went for lunch together as a bunch.
i love the clan gang so much because they always have time for each and everyone of our friends. (:
as in they will make time even in their busy schedule.
i love it that no one ever feels left out because everyone gives equal love to everyone and no on is exceptionally biased towards another.
and to my heartbroken friends, like what i told some of u,
i just hope that everyone of my friends, close or hello goodbye friends, will be happy and enjoying their life on Earth.
11:00 PM
World of Cameras
Sunday, June 15, 2008
just the thought of flying to Bangkok tmr morning makes me oozy in my stomach.
or is it just the apple i ate just now combined with prune juice.
i know i know. eeeugh. it taste disgusting.
i'm not a fan of prune juice just like the next person but i need a intestine wash out.
have been constipated for wayyyy too long, its crazy.
home confinement for the whole of today.
sorry once again to clan gang, julian and zeee for not being able to go out with u guys today.
going downstairs to the supermarket is like a invincible written crime for today.
anyway, i'm really excited for the trip! though only 3 days.
have to reach airport by 6AM so that means i will have to get up latest 4.30AM.
oh gawd.
my luggage isn't packed yet.
also, my mum doesn't want to wash our underwears and clothes last minute again, she got us wearing paper undies from now on till we're back from Bangkok.
it seems rather funny now that i'm thinking back about it.
what happened today.
i woke up, bathed, ate the donuts which me and yan yan bought home for our dad for Father's Day.
switch on the lappie and watched Sisterhood travelling pants and sketched.
after the movie has ended, went to do an hour of stretching.
then went back to sketch some more.
lunch time of chicken rice followed by half an hour of nickolodian[cant remember the spelling =S], then back to sketching.
went to fix my fisheye cam for tmr and load up with 4 films and batteries.
went to work on my side splits and a few rounds of zeee's choero.
now watching "Hottie or Nottie".
ugh, i can't bring myself to continue watching.
its rather depressing how they kinda humiliate people who are not as beautiful.
but at the same time, i feel rather disgusted by how ugly they made June.
and Paris Hilton just can't act. like, seriously.
went to town with Yan yesterday to find our costumes and so far, yan found her cargo pants and a black top and i found nothing.
still waiting for my VS stuffs to be shipped in and i hope they will be here by the time i come back from Thailand cuz i wanted to use the Jacket for zeee's choero.
my FredFlare stuffs too. (:
i saw many ppl wearing the risky business spects yesterday.
its like, all around me. shops are selling them, about ten people i walked pass had it on.
my risky business spects don't feel special and unique anymore.
also, shops are selling the shutter glasses too. O.O go figure.
though i couldn't find any thing for costume, i got myself 4 colourful wooden bangles, a sunglasses, 2 golden bangles and a snowflake necklace.
oh! yan and i found a pair of black wrist warmers. [are they called wrist warmers? its like a wrist guard but just doesn't have the support.]
so both of us are going to use that for our accessories.
2:43 AM
World of Cameras
actually i have a lot more types of wedding gowns which i think are so gorgeous and i would like to be wearing on my wedding day. (:
i don't know why i am suddenly in "27 dresses" mood.
maybe it's because of that dream i had last night.
another fairy tale kinda dream again.
so there i was sketching some gowns from my imagination while watching "sisterhood travelling pants".
here they are.

its all white with purple rhinestones which are all the spots.
its what some people would call a mermaid-like gown? heh.
it has satin all over including the gloves.
there's 2 big "holes" at the side to enhance the bride's hour shaped figure.
there's a satin sash that flows at the back as shown in the mini sketch.

this isn't totally white. it has red/purple/gold that starts from the top and starts to fade off as it goes lower.
there's a inverted V-like sash below the bust which has elegant patterns on it.
satin is the inner lining and a transparent cloth[maybe chiffon] is the outer layer which has Victorian Era patterns embroidered from the bottom of the dress and on the train and a few more as it goes up.
a soft edged diamond shape hole reveals the belly button and exhibits the bride's flat belly and curves.
a chiffon scarf with the same Victorian era patterns embroidered at the ends which is worn by the bride around her neck and falls gracefully at the back.
i don't know why i added a temporary star tattoo somewhere under the right collar bone but i think it's cute. :D
style is inspired by indian saris.
that's about it.
1:17 AM
World of Cameras
Friday, June 13, 2008
alright! i've came up with 2 designs for costumes for bombay.
had sent it to Mei Xian just now so shall wait for the club's response.
hope u guys like it! (:

its a wrap around then sew piece. it ends just 2 finger spacing above the navel as ordered.
the legs are horribly drawn but the bottom has been decided by the seniors so it doesn't matter.
there is a chiffon bubble arm accessories if u cant tell what that bubbly thing is.

i got the inspiration from Princess Jasmine from Aladdin. *sheepish* [i'm still a disney fan okay! haha]
i added a chiffon cloth that starts from the top middle of the butt and at the end of the 2 side of cloth, there will be a loop to be wore as a ring so that when the girls do the turning of wrist and all the hand actions, there will have a a better effect.
after thinking about it for some time, i decided to use the top of picture one and the arm bubble to combine with the chiffon cloth which has the loop for the fingers.
yup! i hope that u guys will like it! (:
6:44 AM
World of Cameras
zomg. all i know is that i kept laughing at most parts.
especially at parts like when Samantha was lying on the table totally naked and with just sushi covering some private areas.
and the part where Charlotte pooped in her pants.
heh heh heh.
now for dance.
yesterday, we ran through "dance like no tomorrow" like a million times.
i'm glad that finally i have remembered all the steps.
i'm such a slow learner! darn it.
trying to improve my flexibility asap.
i guess my home stretching FINALLY paid off when i suddenly realise my right leg can kick up to around 135 degrees.
was super happy with my result!
so now pushing myself even further.
motivated, babeh.
okay now for The Big Groove.
i'm so glad i went for it! (:
i love... O crew, BS brothers W.C.O and Kulture Break!
the poly groups were not bad themselves! haha.
but i love Kulture Break because their energy level is so high, i feel like dancing with them. hahahah
BS brothers are so cute! they are 12 yrs and 8 yrs old, if i am not wrong. i feel like running up the stage to pinch their cheeks especially the younger one. hahhaha. xD
okay, i just forgot what i want to blog about.
but believe u me, if i do remember, u will never see the ending of this entry.
till the next time,
smile for the world, people! (:
1:21 AM
World of Cameras
7:10 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, June 05, 2008
YAY!after today's shift, i went to Objectifs with sammy to check out our LOMO cameras.finally made up my mind and manage to bear to part that amount of money for my fisheye 2 camera.there's a white one which i really want cuz its really gorgeous and its like limited edition. but its 11 dollars more ex than the original why spend 11 dollars on limited edition when the functions are the same too? hahamight as well use it to get my films. (:anyway, i'm REALLY REALLY happy and satisfied with my purchase. (:i'm still waiting for the next time i have enough money for my LOMO Holga kit CMY edition camera. HOHOSwent to meet Vanessa - sam's sis. the three of us went to watch before, its a really awesome movie.except for the fact that all those poor animals are dying cuz of stupid wars.and as agreed by sam, Aslum [the lion whose name i'm not so sure of the spelling] is somewhat like Jesus.if u really think about it.but Jesus is so much better, of cuz. hahaCONCLUSION:FISHEYE FISHEYE SNAPSNAPSNAP! (:happy girl still living in her own narnia world. hahaGOODNIGHTSLEEPTIGHT!tmr 8 more hours of attachment and WE FREE BABEHS!JIA YOU!and.... 3 more days to The Big Groove.WHOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO! (:
*sam's birthday was yesterday and she is really over the moon.
that's good. (:
haha. well, we ordered a care bear cake for her and 2 balloons.
church friends gave her Diana F+ camera.
cool to the max!
haha. anyway, glad she really feel loved on her 18th. (:
8:33 AM
World of Cameras
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
my dad just got me a 4GB memory card for my handphone.
u'll love tmr. (:
7:59 AM
World of Cameras