Wednesday, October 31, 2007
i know i have not been blogging for long and i bet this blog is going to just drop dead and die. its like roting ever since God knows when. but i just gotten a new blog skin so whatever, i'll continue blogging.first of all, i want to say "DRAMA PEEPS, SO PROUD OF U GUYS!!!!"to all groups, all of us have grown in drama-wise and i love every minute of ur plays! i'm serious! but i'm also very proud of my group now cuz we manage to kinda buck up today. today was seriously the best run through we had from day 1. so let's continue the good work and give our ALL on friday okay!JIA YOU! (:ANDANDAND.. OMG. i still can't get kenneth's gay act outta my mind! really cracks me up, man. it beats nick's gay act like a million times., me and my danz inc mates had lunch time performance in the atrium and i really enjoyed it a lot. oh, i love all the items but i love "hello" and "sexyback" the most. (:(:(:(:and oh, have i mention, I LOVE THE BOOTH. and the banner too! (: oh, let's not leave out the boards too cuz amin, jessalynne and carla spent their free time on the board. oh! i really have to thank nick for doing most of the banner. though nic and i did help but i don't think it make much of a difference. haha.ooh!!! so many photos to upload! (:(:(:soon soon, people. till then, hope u'll stay tuned.
8:54 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, October 25, 2007
okay! finally gotten my new blogskin done! well, isn't much change of blogskin. just that photo on the top.I KNOW, its messy! i kinda cramped all the nice ones into the collage so its like not really visible for some photos. actually thought of just putting my friends dancing in there but those i found in the internet were rather nice too. so here u go, my new collage!i promise to do a better one the next time though. (:drama drama. let's seee... showcased to aisha last night. i guess for my group, it wasn't really spectacular. i really liked the play written by anjana. haha. also, sara's and rabiah's group are not bad too.i think my group need to be more discipline and practice more!! let's work hard okay? (:dance as per normal but more to the rehearsal for lunch time performance. i saw the sexyback item choero-ed by zee today! i likeee... well done to those inside! (:
also, lets all work hard to make lunch time performance a blast okay! (:(:(:p.s- i told Peter that i wanted to put his funny face in the middle of my dance collage. he said he'll give me a Death card if i really put. HAHAHAHA.007 : bang who?zul :bang the death card!!!
10:17 AM
World of Cameras
Sunday, October 21, 2007
lately, i found myself thinking. do i have a life?its all about dance, drama, studies. not that i'm complaining. but still, i find that i am going out lesser and lesser each day. i didn't even get to meet my beloved clan gang often but i'm still happy we still keep in contact and stuffs. i only see them when they come to my house for a while. other than school, studio, dome, home, i didn't go to other places. only yesterday i went out with some of my dance mates to Toa Payoh to shop for Red trackpants. had fun. like, REALLY had fun(:(:(: THANKS YOU GUYS!being a class chairman sucks at time. i have to do so much for my class, organise this and that and yet they are not fully happy. i don't feel appreciated. i seriously don't mind doing things for them but them not being fully happy is for example. recently, i had to rearrange the subgroups cuz 3 girls in my class weren't happy with their group. so i thought of just rearranging them with someone else so that i will not touch the other groups. but that minority insisted on doing draw lots and rearrange the whole class. so i thought, "okay then. as long as they are happy." but deep down, i wasn't happy at all cuz i really love my subgroup mates and don't wish to part with them.later, many of my classmates came complaining to me that they don't want to rearrange the groups at all. so in order to make them happy, i had to change all to their old groupings and just rearrange the unhappy ones. [which i intended to do in the first place and it makes so much more sense, please] so okay. after going through all the headache, i finally group them to their liking.guess what? one of my tutors was unhappy with the grouping cuz 2 ITE students are in the same group. so i had to change again. BIG HEADACHE OKAY! change so many times. but luckily, no one argued with the final and confirmed grouping. so TADA! finally done.darling Rabiah saw me literally pulling my hair out cuz of the class disagreement, came to console me and said that if i like, she can take over the chairman role next year. CAN'T WAIT. but really thanks to her, i felt better. (:(:(:(:so yeah, anyway, yesterday was really fun. we went to the food court for lunch and dessert. feraldine the princess was late, as always. teehee. she finally came and we hogged her gameboy thingy [don't know how to spell!] and we played things like mario cart, dinner dash and harvest farm. me and nic chua even tried the barbie game but stopped halfway cuz its really really not fun at all. we went to song by song to find red trackies but can't find any which we like. me and yan yan bought the nike trackies which nicholas, amin, le xiang and zee had. but yan yan got it a few days ago, if i'm not wrong.jess, hui fang and i bought a top from there too. (: then we went to orchard cuz wen kai wanted to buy things from Urban Male. seriously, wen kai had been a very good company to us cuz unlike MOST guys, he will not complain when we took a long time chosing stuffs. haha. and yeah, he takes a long time too. he followed us into THEfaceSHOP and went OOH..AHH.. over nail polish with us girls. haha. good good. very seldom, guys will do that. (:i went off with Jess and Hui Fang. reach home and got threatened by my dad to cancel my hong kong trip cuz i reached home late. he has been like that lately. sighhs.oh well. photos will be up tmr!!!byeee! (:*oh yeah, there was this guy. i think yan yan and a few others know about him. we used to talk a lot but now very little due to promos. but yesterday he IM me in MSN. felt happy but somehow he brought back a lot of unwanted memories. sigh, but i guess its not his fault.**before i slept, i took out me and my ex's photo album. felt rather sad that i only had a few photos to cover only 2 pages of that album.*
9:06 PM
World of Cameras
Friday, October 19, 2007
omg, Omg, OMG.this has been going on and on in my mind ever since my group's drama cast was out. unexpectedly, i was chosen as Sofia [main role]. okayokay. i'm felt so much emotions, i can explode like an over-pumped balloon. filled with so much uncertainty. thoughts like will i be able to do it well? what if this... and what if that...but i thought about it just now and i've decided to give it my all. (: don't worry, my team mates! i'll do my best! (:as for today, i went for drama in the dome with my group. however, only a handful of group peeps turned up. let's see.. there were kenneth, ilham, nadhirah, erwin, zul and me. i was quite happy when kenneth and farhanah told me that they chose me cuz i was every bit of Sophia which they wanted. so i just tried my best. everything went smoothly until the raping scene. yesyes. there will be a raping scene and i have to run away from the pervert. i shall not tell u who that character is or else it will ruin the show. so anyway, i have never gotten raped or anything so it was really unnatural. we had to do it again and again. can't help laughing lo. hahahha. sanwan didnt come today so i can't do the romantic scenes but ilham and zul filled in for him.well then, JIA YOU to those in my group! and to those in other groups! let's make drama night a success! (:lately, my world seem to revolve around studies, dance, drama. there's just too much to update about. so i'll let the photos do their talking. the ones i'm uploading now is the photos of that night in zhi ping's house. STEAMBOAT NIGHT, BAYBEH!
that's zhi ping in pink sports bra
busy busy busy
she has a wide collection of these and pokemon. LOL

yum yum.
what a face. haha.

lil fir! (:
hamsters do have their zi lian moments too, ya know? haha

monk in the making

they so happen to think that yee shan's bald head looks tastier.
TSK! if u're under 10 years old. cover ur eyes.
ma ma miahh...
"the happy family". featuring jing wei as son, zelia as lau bu and allison as daughter. but wait! someone is missing! no no, 2 people are missing.
ahhh.. there u have it. the complete set of the Danz Inc family. see, yeeshan as father and hui fang as daughter-in-law. haha
benji loves chopsticks.
the white and blacks.
close up on zee leh..
gasp. another obscene showcase. small little children, don't peep ah! its M18. lol.
peter and his forever retarded looks. haha
OMG. TSK TSK. haha.
BE's president Naden has arrived.
peter and BE's VP.
smooches for the beloved panda of DC! (:

hamtaro gone wrong.

haha! Brian looks funny!
josh looks like he is singing a song. LOL.
see? the pokemons!

smiles smiles smiles. its nice to see them smile. (: even with the pig there.
HAHAHAHAHAH! look at zee! so cute la! and kuku.

ms cheong's shoes. haha
forever nicholas.
treasa's fake nails!
well then, tmr i'll be going to toa payoh or somewhere to buy red track pants for the hip hop item, a cargo pants for hong kong trip and maybe a pair of shorts or jeans. (:its going to be all about bottoms tmr.
i hope u'll see this, love. (:
6:58 AM
World of Cameras