Friday, September 28, 2007
i had a violent and confused patient today.oh boy, what a crazy day this is. and i had a few patients who hallucinates and with 3rd eyes. sucidal ones too. anyways, i shall update soon. so please stay toned. good night, world.yawns.
oh and zeee,
9:05 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, September 20, 2007
YEAH BAYBEH! i just received a mail from GUESS. (: the watches are gorgeous, man. so tempting. but CANNOT BUY! must have some self discipline! oh, just so u know, my frank muller's watch dropped from level 6 to level 2 last week. damn sad, man. that watch is damn expensive and my dad got it for me when he came back from Hong Kong.:'( X 10000000000000000000000000000anyway, attachment have been fun. (: thankfully. i did feeding and all. wasn't that awful. yay. (:my favourite granny patient who looks like my grandmother is going to be discharge soon. very sad. i tried to spend more time with her today cuz tmr, i will not be going for my shift. so she might have been discharged by then. most of my time, i was by her bed. then she said something which made my heart melt so much! she said, "missy, when i go home, i'm going to miss you a lot." awww!!! (x(x(x(x teehee.we kinda played this "game". she would hold onto my hand and squeeze. then i'll do the same and she'll kept doing harder. but of cuz i let her win. then she happy happy. haha. cute, man! and she is like so guai! there's one patient, KEPT SCREAMING AND CURSING in hokkien everyday! even at night! disturbed the other patients. when asked about that screaming old lady, my fav patient just blinked and said, "ya lo, she is so naughty! don't give her eat, she is so noisy. give her eat, she still so noisy. at night so naughty! others can't sleep." and also, "she scold other patients when they are noisy, but she is also noisy." haha. it doesn't seem funny now but if u translate it into hokkien and picture her cute face saying this, u'll feel like laughing. haha.tmr-psychology sub paper. hais.. so not in the mood to study for it.just came home from dinner with dex [the mayonnaise boy] intending to go to the library but in the end, i blindly followed him to the MRT station. took the same train and he alighted in Eunos to tutor his student. so i just decided to go home and read through for tmr's paper.byeee.*i think i want to take out my tag board. its so dead! most of my friends who read don't tag. so the tag board has lost its purpose of being here. see this stagnant board can get very sian. bye bye taggie. i think i'll find a day when i'm free to do it. got to go now, my dad nagging. haha.
6:12 AM
World of Cameras
Monday, September 17, 2007
hey peeps! (:OMGOSH. where is my Victoria's secret/Guess/Fox/D&G picture?! now its this "i can make u smile" picture. its cute, but its not mine. oh well, i was about to change the picture anyway.attachment started today and it wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. in fact, i was about to make up my mind to redraw from nursing. its so scary! then after some time, i got to interact with the patients and i came to realise that the feeling of helping them is very... saint-like. i dont know. hahahah. to put it simply, it felt real great.
there was this one granny. she is so sweet! like so fragile. i was the first in my group to help her with stuffs. whenever i came around, she would smile at me. when i was taking her respiration rate, pulse rate, she held onto my hand. such a small gesture made my heart melt. she remind me of my long gone grandma. (:anyway, hahahaha. there were a couple of patients who were rather cute. one from the mental hospital and the way she did things were adorable. haha. so i guess it wasn't that bad.the day before, after helping my mum with something, i rushed down to AMK Hub to meet jing yi. we went to AMK community center to practice with amin, jess and nick. coincidently, dex's dance lesson was cancelled so he joined us too. we did a few REALLY STUPID THINGS! like nonsense suicidal videos!!! hahahha. i'll upload the video here. dear amin went to edit it to give more effect. hahaha. hilarious.after practising and crapping, we split to our respective destinations. i think jess, amin and nick went home. jing yi went to meet her friend. dex and i MRT-ed to funan centre for his dance lesson. i didn't know pris from dance company went to the same class too! haha. we went to pasta mania for dinner. OHOH! we played this floor game outside macdonalds. hahaha. it was a very simple game played using our shadow. cool right? but i got so excited over it. (i know, u don't have to say it. i'm crazy.)finally got my uniform altered. it was SO BIG and BAGGY! my mum said i look like i'm expecting in the uniform. =( hahahaha.i miss Britney's old self. i really hope she will recover from her social crisis soon. (: i was a britney fan and will always be. just for the record, i took out her old albums and watched all of her MTV and concerts. she's so much prettier then. even small girls were idolising her, okay! they know her songs and they sang with her in her concerts. awww. her golden days figure was my ideal kind. and she can kick damn high la! ballet trained. oh well. amin introduced to me this new song of hers. not bad. though like any of her other new songs, its about sex but whatever. "gimme more- britney spears." i know this is the song she lip-synch for this award show, almost naked but u know what? whatever. i support her.anyhooo,
dex on the bus. acting shuai.
HAHA! this one made me think of lao fu zhi. =P
i got bored outside his class and took random photos. this was just one of them. [dex's belongings, if u haven't notice.]
NURSES!i'll upload the video some other day! imeem is slowww.
good night, world. u look pretty tonight.
*Hush, don't ever say u're invisible to me. u are never and will never be. BESTIES! (:
6:23 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, September 13, 2007
....and it has sad smileys all over it.
i feel like crap. why does it have to be this way when i finally found another guy who can capture my heart after so long. after i actually gave up on the guy species. why does he have to captivate me with his certain charisma and all. why did he even step into the same room as me and i was so drawn to him. somehow or rather, i don't want to eyecandied him at the very start. why must he be such a nice guy? with smarts, good heart and all. now the feeling has gotten deeper as we get closer as friends. now he is with someone else. i'm happy for them, yes i truely am. but boo hoo to me. *crycrycrys*people said clichés to me. "there are so many fishes out there! dont give up!", "dont give up the whole forest for a tree. u'll find ur special tree which belongs to u one day."but its easier to be said than done. and as for the other guy J*. i don't think the answer is yes. we are best friends and that's it. i don't want to complicate things any further. sorry.
7:55 PM
World of Cameras
Sunday, September 09, 2007
backbackback! (:so many photos to show! (:anyway, i'm just using ten mins of my sleeping time to do this blog entry cuz friends have been complaining that my blog is so dead. LOOK AT THE TIME! its 3am in the morning! ah, heck.
here goes..
on saturaday, me and some of my dance peeps went to esplanade to watch the legacy of goh choo san. i'm speechless about the performance cuz its REALLY REALLY GOOD! photos in the slide show.sunday, we had class BBQ. only 9 people turned out cuz most couldn't make it. like so sian.oh well. shall not get into that. but it was relatively fun for a BBQ of 9.monday, dance mates came to my house to watch "hairspray" and my "fairlady". people who came were jessalynne, yan yan, hui fang, amin, nicholas. then syakira and dex came over too.tuesday was dance. fun fun fun. today, went back to school cuz by right, peter would complete the "untouchable" and "apologise" cheoro for the Oct lunch time break performance. in the end, he polished up on the salsa hip hop and it took up all his free time before he rush across the road to AJC to choero for them.we went to Bugis to the costume store to buy jazz shoes and are all in!apologise for the caption [ if u think its lame. ] cuz i'm in my lame mood now.okay, sleep tight, world.
6:57 PM
World of Cameras
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
today today today.I HAD HELLA FUN. (:went out to meet lynne at 5pm for a movie - "no reservation". nicenicenice.i love watching how Caucasians eat. don't u too? i mean there is a certain elegant style. its as if they really taste every single bit of that piece of food in their mouth. its not like they start rolling and playing it in their mouth but... ahhh, how to explain? haha. i can just sit there and watch them eat all day long and i'll still love it. haha. okay, nvm.OHOH! and i saw this damndamndamn cute, handsome caucasian guy in the MRT the other day. OMG, he's like the best i've seen soo far in real life! like not on the tv tube. hey! but wait! then again, he's the second best. cuz the best still belongs to that guy who has justin timberlake's eyes. yes, i'm serious. he has THOSE eyes. i saw him in starbucks when me and my secondary school classmates went to find miss picca.OH MAN~ miss picca. super duper uber miss her la. now she's teaching in RGS. =(anyway, it was fun with lynne even when this is the first time we go out. (: we snuck in our dinner and ate quietly in the cinema. hahaha. the way we snuck in was damn funny. anyway, after movie, the fun ended cuz she has to go to her bf's house to take care of that sick boy.instead of going home, i thought of going to jitterbugs to surprise my dance peeps who went for the audition. haha. yan yan saw me first. she looked surprised so i think my plan worked. they did well for audition but only amin, nicholas and dex got in.went for supper with the peeps in hong kong are the photos! (:shall do it in a slide. kinda lazy to upload one by one. haha.
10:43 AM
World of Cameras
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
HAHAHAHAHA!just now there was this girl named annabelle called my home telephone. asked for janet or something. it was obviously a wrong number. this is how it went.girl: hello, may i speak to janet?mum: janet?girl: yeah, janet. grandma, can i speak to janet?mum: grandma?!my mum passed the phone to um, there's no one named janet in this household. i think u got the wrong number. sorry.girl: are u sure? oh! wait! she is also known as uh.. yeah, we do have jackie in the house. but, she is a dog.girl: A dog?! oh oh! okay okay, i've gotten the wrong number.-.-'and after the phone call, my mum was going on and on, "GRANDMA?! she called me GRANDMA! i'm not THAT old, okay!"imagine this dialogue going on and on for like, what? 10 times? NO KIDDING! i actually counted! its like a broken recorder man.mmm, dance dance dance.yesterday's dance practise was shitified for me. let's not talk about it.
*i know shitified is not an actual word but i like it. so THERE! get used to it.
well, at least the rest of the dance people were having fun last night. (:i'm..Phasmophobic & scared of the dark, think lizards=aliens & survive on sugar rushes. I fog up windows & mirrors to draw smiley faces and write you secret messages. Buy me Kinder Surprises, Sour Tapes or macadamia nuts chocolate & I will make you my new best-friend. A sweet-toothed sucker for pretty things like Fireworks, I want to be in a place where I can watch more that just a measly twenty stars. Would you like to take me there?
8:20 PM
World of Cameras
Monday, September 03, 2007
ok man, i feel fat despite the fact that jing yi and sarah said i slimmed down le. sighhhh. i want to lose weight! must, man!anyway, just now was Hey! Gorgeous on channel U. many friends called up/SMS/MSN and their usual respond was "OMG, GERMAINE, WAS THAT U ON TV?!" or "I SAW U ON HEY! GORGEOUS!"
damn, i look freaking fat and auntie in the film. but then again, ahh, who cares? shall dump this thought away. *on vacuum, suck out idea, open trash can and DUMP*we did salsa today and on friday. mmm, i like salsa, its fun. but its fast. gabra-ed most of the time. and i felt damn scared when i danced with Zelia. she has a small frame, damn scared i will break another body part of hers. haha. sorry zeee.
i like partnering with nick cuz i feel like he's the only guy who can handle my weight and i will not have to worry about breaking his bone or whatever. so far, dancing with him has been good. (:
mmm, lately..-went back to secondary school for teacher's day and meet up with friends.-played pool with bibi, cyn and winston [even when i sucked big time at it]-done many stretching at home but the next day, my muscles are back to being stiff. [i just can't open my hip. i have been sleeping lately with my legs up against the wall, opened. next morning cramp like crap. haha.]-Kbox-ed with bibi and cyn-MEET UP WITH THE CLAN GANG! (:(:(:(:(:(:(:-DRAMA!!!!-DANCE!!!!!!-shopping with besties! [more like window shopping. BOO HOO.]I have to clear my room tmr, I think. That is if I wake up in time (I foresee myself waking up after 12nn) cuz dinner is out again with the same old company. (: Happy, slow days filled with fun, love, joy, peace and laughter x 53. I am so loving this holiday already.Mum: "At this rate, you'll either, number 1: go broke, or number 2: grow fat"She said that to me when I told her I might be having dinner out the next day. She's probably right. I'm financing my days out with my current allowance and savings accumulated over the past few months, which is obviously dwindling. Its so less = sad smiley x 675849309485765849320
today has been a sad and fat day for me.
6:17 AM
World of Cameras