Saturday, August 11, 2007
u know what i can't stand more than spiders? finding sooo many wonderful things such as clothings but can't buy due to the lack of time or word : dang.and look what victoria's secret sent me? an email to tell me there will be a BIG SALE of tops and whatnot now! and u know what is holding me back? no credit card and its USD.two words : double dang.HA! its ok. moving along...ANNUAL PRODUCTION TURNED OUT TO BE A BLAST! (:total yayness are some photos! (: credit goes to kaye, anjana, arifah and my phone!haha! i love these photos of ilham doing his sexy golf thangy. check out his butt, yo.

the fierce mummy of the play.

haha! iskandar looks so funny.

the hottie in the play with cute eunice and syakira. (:

my side's stage manager and i. i didn't know she was friendly. turned out we clicked off not bad. (:

syakkie and amin

yana yana (:

sarah! (:

AISHA! (:(:(:

peter doing dance rehearsal with the "beyond legend" dance cast

haha! doing dumb things. amins looks damn dimwit funny!

rabiah looks scary. =S

our little thingy for our little video.

haha. yana in uniform.

ilham [patient daddy in the play] waiting patiently for his make up girl.

na-uh. [shakes index finger] uh-uh [waves hand downwards.]

amin imitating elvis.

i love the lights!

deej, shaz and yana.

aisha kinda stressed over production. poor girl.

the jester rehearsing in the stairway.

HAHA! amin looks like he is counting arm pit hair through the shirt.

yana stoning away.

now amin is trying to pluck them. haha! nick's face looks damn kuku.

jesters with one of the directors - fazees!

kaye and yana with tall and pretty hostess. haha. yana looks very amused.

the battle of the 2 hostess. [victoria with no secrets and the girl who will be replacing angelina jolie as brat pit's wife.]

pretty nadirah and sexy nadiah! i love nadirah's curls! (:

the female wired dummy.

the male wired dummy who reminds us of jing wei since he mostly wears this for dance practises. (x

kenneth taking a nap on his make shift bed

the empty TFA. it was jam-packed with people on the actual day!

happy kaye and amin

upset kaye and amin.

nick and amin helping out with the moving of the 2 front mirrors.

yay us! (:

kaye: get ur hands off me.

kaye : don't u know that students are not allowed to dress so sexily?! DETENTION!

kaye: no NO! no affairs between P.E teachers and students! let alone taking off ur shirt!

kaye: tell u one more time, ashley. no more nonsense or u'll be running hundred laps around the field.

kaye: students nowadays. tsk tsk.

we messed up hasli's hair! haha!

i like this block thingy decorations in our reception area.


super anjana and iskandar to the rescue!

amin sure has big eyes.


kenneth: his head looks soo gooood. i want to have a bite!
anjana: i love to run my hand through his almost non-existing hair!

fazees looks so happy!

tunaboy and ikan. i like iqah in here. she looks so naturally happy.

hanky panky ahh..

3 alumni and the jesters!

me and jesters!

syidah, rabiah, anjana and i are ready to run away with the jesters.

jesters. nick in his sexy nicky mood

haha. anjana looks very scared

haha. ilham.

that's the vice president in the middle with the hand on his head.

another funny pose from those two.

the TMT people. (:

seniors photo.

have i mentioned i love the lightings? (:

dancers dancing to beyong legends.

restaurant dinner scene.

peter's [ilham] presentation scene

the all time favourite jesters scene

everone loves them (:

the argument scene when alex [kenneth] gets irrational and shouts to his girlfriend, marie.

the scene where peter gets free massage and seduced by wanita [syidah]

the unsuccessful 23rd wedding anniversary.

the end of a successful annual production.

u just gotta love them all! DRAMMMMMAAAAA CRAZED!
whoohoo!!the day after that was national day.
went to watch Rush Hour 3 with bibi and Rui Zhi.
the movie is another must watch rated.
went to pick up cynthia from Bugis and jade and jeremy on the way to marina bay for steam boat.
the place was super packed so we watched the fireworks before dinner.
yay! lovely night out!
shall post photos when i get them from Jade. ALONG WITH THE OTHER OLD PHOTOS SHE OWED ME.
oh! look at the time! i'd better go to sleep.