Monday, June 18, 2007
trying to plait my hair to make it curl. IT JUST WOULDN'T! GAH! thinking of going to a saloon to get it curly wurly! FUN FUN!alright. i feel honoured to be tagged to do this by some people. and for some wrong informations. BUT WTHECK! for the fun of it laa...EACH PLAYER OF THIS GAME STARTS OFF WITH 10 WEIRD THINGS, HABITS, OR LITTLE KNOWN FACTS ABOUT ONESELF. PEOPLE WHO GET TAGGED MUST WRITE IN THEIR BLOG 10 WEIRD THINGS, HABITS, OR FACTS, AS WELL AS STATE THIS RULE CLEARLY. AT THE END, YOU MUST CHOOSE SIX PEOPLE TO BE TAGGED AND LIST THEIR NAMES. NO TAG-BACKS!1) i LOVE to daydream about weird stuffs. nuff said.2) i used to think teachers lives in school; police in police stations; firemen in fire stations.3) i fell for a VERY WEIRD guy once. don't ask me why cuz i can't ans that myself.4) i used to fantasize spanking my childcare teacher's butt and run away from her. i didn't really like her, u see.5) i HATE eating fish. they're sooo, well, FISHY! but i use to love fishballs! i would always have fishball mee when i was still in primary school for EVERY RECESS!
6) i'm SUPER TICKLISH! don't touch me on my weak spots or i'll karate u! (if only i know how to. heh)7) i think thick-lipped guys are big turn-off. (goldfish lips)8) i think well-educated guys who speaks perfect English are VERY SEXY.9) i have a bad habit of falling asleep in the toilet on the toilet bowl. (in the morning!)10) i hate low class ah bengs and ah lians. suckers.i tag Aisha, Yan Yan, Regina, Su, Daphne, Theodora.
yuppie! that's it!
today went to meet Ms Tan!
before that, went to Jessica's house to do something for Philbert for his birthday. don't want to tell him what it is but we made it REALLY NICE! PHILBERT! U 6-packs PIG, U BETTER LOVE THIS GIFT WELL OK! haha! or else i'll.... make u suffer. MUAHAHAHA! (:
my hands and body stinks badly after working on it so i had to hurry home to bath before meeting meeting Bibi, Rui Zhi [ah xiong xD], sin yee and Cynthia. sorrysorry people for being late! =( then we went to SBH to find Ms Tan! Dinner at PASTAMANIA! (:
i saw Cybershot T100 camera just now! ITS A FREAKING $699!!!! but its so DAMN GORGEOUS! i want i want! PAPA!!!!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
i know i know. have not been updating much lately huh.
hmmm, let's see. what's up first?
right, lets back track.
locking class with Ian and David from Foreign Bodies were fun! i think i'll like locking a lot. (: if i'm not wrong, there are around 30 plus moves in locking? kinda being a locking fanatic lately. haha.
DEAR FIRDAUS! i'm so so so sorry cuz due to some reasons, i can't go send u off with the rest to NS on friday. =( i'll see u when u come out! (:
on Friday, me and my secondary school gang celebrated Jeremy's birthday with a BBQ pit, some burnt food, lots of laughter and fun! YAYness! haha. played some games, rode bicycle, lovely weather, not bad food, chitty chat chat, some sun. WHOOHOO! haha. i really had fun with them again. (: at the end of the night, i had to go home while the rest wanted to go Fisherman's Village to drink a little. Rui Zhi couldn't drive me home so the rest of them lent me $2 each for a taxi ride home. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! i can still remember the freaking price of the ride. TEN PLUS BUCK! what the pong. nevertheless, had a lovely day, didn't get scolded by dad. YAY!
yesterday had Drama practise too and we did some script reading, organising of the props and costumes, a little run through of scene one. these are for our Annual Drama Production! WHOOHOO!! excited for it already. (:
during the practise, syakira, sarah and i received a very delightful message from Daphne and Li Yi, our lovely dance seniors. =D VERY EXCITED FOR IT! shall not say out what it is as its a secret so u'll just have to wait and find out by urself. haha.
came home, slept till about 9. packed and went to meet mandy. then we went down to clarissa's house for a stayoverrr. surprisingly, my dad allowed so WHOOPIE YAY! we ate dinner before we left house. then we went to eat prata. and then mandy wanted dessert real bad. but the dessert shop was closed already. so we were walking back when we chanced upon the hongkong cafe! we took a look at the menu and we wanted to go in. clarissa was standing at the road there. so i went "CLARISSA YOU WANNA EAT?" she replied, "OUCH!" and when i turned around, she kicked the step and fell. HAHAHAHA it was damn funny. but she's so poor thing la. hope her fingers and knees are better now. i ate some mango pudding thing which was drenched in condensed milk. i like (: hahah. we went to Clarissa's house after that. her cute Golden Retrievers came running to us. played with them for awhile until it was like 2 plus am.played games with her brother's PS2. screaming the whole time. HAHA.crazness. we then watched Harry Potter 3. then 200pound beauty then that Mcdonald movie [whatever the title is]. THAT MAC MOVIE WAS DAMN BORING. i fell asleep like not even an hour through the show which meant i slept at 7 plus. hahah i woke up at 10.40 and went off to meet Philbert that pig. and he was late?!?!? hahah idioto. so he finally came and we went down to holland to meet the rest. had brunch. and we walked to cheryl's house.
cheryl:" very fast wan. 5-10 minutes walk."
WE WALKED FOR LIKE 5-10KM LA. it was damn farrrr. and we kept complaining and cheryl said that its cuz we walked very slowly! LIKE ERR, we BRISK WALKED leh! hahaha. the ground was wet and my legs were covered with all the mud and dirt from the ground. damn dirty. i looked like i went trekking in the forest and was lost or something.
finally finally, we reached cheryl's house and we went WOAHHHHHHHHH. her house is M-E-G-A big! freaking nice too. haha so we were like eating while doing what we wee supposed to do(secret =D) hahaha. i was lying on the sofa then i fell asleep. HAHAHAHA. cause i was hugging beardy. then after what seemed like only five minutes, ethel woke me up by hitting me with the cushions. i'm very irritatable when my sleep is interupted like that so i threw a cushion at him. in the end, we had PILLOW FIGHT! Cheryl's maid is so cool. she went to Cheryl's room, grab the pillows, distribute them to us and joined in the fun. HAHA! HECTIC CHAOS! from the living room down stairs, we brought the match upstair into the family room. the place was very messy when we called it quits but we helped Cheryl's maid pack the place back. we went for a tour around cheryls house after that and we walked out..... damn farrrrrrr. haha. Philbert and i went to far east for Gelare. then we walked around and i bought three necklaces, a tee shirt for Andy [i promised him one for his birthday] and a top =D then he sent me home around 10pm.
as for today, slacked a little at home, went to meet Jessica, Josh, Hazel, Ambrose, Kenny, Justin, Philbert and Nathan. went to Raffles City and we took turns to queue for the Doughnut Factory. it took a freaking long time for our turn. this reminds me of Ryan. HAHA! that doofus. went around shopping a little. this time i didn't buy anything while Jess and Hazel went to Aldo to buy a pair of heels. i was sooooo tempted, i tell u. sighhh.

can u like, say
YUMMY-licious? (:
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Yesterday went to Orchid with Bibi to get Jade's and Cynthia's slippers from Project Shop and Bibi's shorts from FOX.went to Forever 21 and i found 2 blouses which i like. however, i only snap photos of one of the blouse.
Along the way back to school, there were these two Big Ears "creatures" walking around in town. a lady was holding a board that reads : ARTS ON THE MOVE. must be some kinda art awareness thing, i guess.
they acted as though they don't know how to go up the stairs.had to heed help from a little boy. LOL.
after that, while we were waiting for the train, a Filipino lady came up to us and asked how to go to Sembarwang. after giving her the directions, she chatted with us. we somehow became mutual friends. ROFL.
Seniors did a performance for the New Face Paper today.
the other group who did a small performance were La Ballroom, Foreign Bodies, Dance Company and a guitar guy.
took some random photos today! it was just the fun of it. haha!
these are while waiting for Rui Zhi to pick us up from school.
HAHA! kuku face. (:
sad emo shit