Ester with that small crown
my turn! haha
cute baby shoe and mutton! =)
they look so wrong. there was a even worse postition but i didn't snap a photo of it. haha.
we're going to stick out our tongue and not care about the world.
SNORT. what's up there, khalilah? something better than me? i guess not. =P
now i'm angry. stop looking, sayang!
bleahh. not going to friend u.
ok. now i see something nice too. OOOOHH, wonder what's that.
HAHA. ok. enough of my egoistic craps.
went to my gan ma's house after school.
yummy cheese melt toast done by Maria [family maid]
she even has the portrait to Mona Lisa! not the real one, of cuz.
This, however, is REAL. its Kangaroo skin.
that garbage track's tires got pancit outside her gate. haha
heh. i love Elmo. he's smart. don't believe?
check this out! Elmo uses the computer too, OK.
their old worn-out, holed-in pool table.