Wednesday, February 28, 2007
ok, since i haven't have much time left before bedtime, i shall do this fast.
Jess ! : yup, the top are photos of cherry blossoms, actually. haha. the credit goes to jesse. *clap clap* haha.
Chanel ! : yeah yeah, michael do look better than before. Lol. i miss ya too! i remember we used to go poke fun with anyone and just about everyone. those time. and the games we played. my goodness, can't believe we actually played silly games. haha. so sorry i can meet u for just one day during ur visit in Singapore. really very busy and if i could, i would just spilt myself into two so i can be at two places at once. haha. can't wait till i go to aus! my dad PROMISED to let me fly over to visit u guys. i hope he keeps this promise.
tim and vivian ! : hey, i'm sorry i didn't make it on the 22nd. i had plans to go to other houses with my team mates already so yeah.. sorry. haha.
ambrose ! : haha. i'm not going to those clubs anymore. rather go work. =) mmm. i don't know when i'll be seeing u again but we'll see. call me if u're anywhere near Raffles or Regent and we might be able to meet for awhile.
su ! : hahaha! thank you. =) i miss u, serious. XD
aloy : haha, thanks. =) yup, u should have come along for the pool night. haha. OH MY GOSH! THAT BRITNEY PERFUME! dang. i really want it la... i'm going to continue dreaming about it. well, at least until i get my pay. WAHAHAHA! by then, that perfume, that high heel and that bag is so MINE! i know i sound really retard right now but heck, this is me. X) haha.
justin : thank you. X)
sara and tricia ! : haha. i think will be alright. but i don't really know the people in ur ac click! haha. i only know that fun few. we'll see. when and which hotel is it?
guess who : erm, how would i know? haha. leave a clue?
hazel ! : hahaha! that's good, that's good. i know the feeling of getting the thing that u SOO want. hahaha. where it out the next time i meet u ok?
kristin ! : HELLO BELOVED ORANGE! hahaha! i miss u too. can't go to Miss tan's trainings. so sad. =(
mel : hahaha. my friends and i shall take that as a compliment. haha. thanks.
ELINA! : hola hola! remember to teach me french after ur exams alright!!!!!!! u promised! hahaha! yay yay! can't wait till the day i'm going to the ur condo! yay yay! i'm fine, u remind me of the ppl in Raffles. haha. oh, do stay longer. yeah, things are brilliant right now. X) i will always be that crazy girl u poured wine with in the tent! haha. tell Laura i miss her too.
wendy ! : haha. which toilet? the CS one? i think so. haha. yup! our next stop is ZOO! WHOOPIE! hahaha! wet and wild is after that ok?
rebecca : yes yes! SAVE MONEY! haha. aww, u guys really miss me while i was in Raffles? that's so sweet. XD oh, he asked his friend to ask me for my number. chickened out, i guess. oh well, doesn't matter. i didn't reply much. =S mmm. Dinner and Dance huh. i'm not sure. maybe?
Tomoko ! : yup, i sure did. =) i love it. gonna get my own. haha.
Iwan : haha. we'll see.
Huiyun : u're the dunman high huiyun right? haha. hello. =) will tag.
Farhah ! : haha. thanks. =) u too. i miss ya guys. haha.
P.S :i know i sound crazy in some replies but bear with it, please. haha. life is just great now. =)
6:23 AM
World of Cameras
Sunday, February 25, 2007
[Music : First - Lindsay Lohan]
today's off day, baby. woohoo!
have been working like everyday in a row recently. tired tired tired. but happy happy happy too! haha.
yesterday i did lunch, afternoon tea and night shift in BBR. lunch and afternoon tea was hectic and tiring. Joey [mummy of BBR] was super stressed and was ready to snap. the customers just come in non stop as for afternoon tea, its fully reserved.
i don't have much time now cuz i'm in a rush to go bath and meet Jade and the girls for our shopping spree and movie date so i'm going to just skim through this.
night shift was the best and the most slack one i ever had in BBR. since there isn't any dinner chocolate buffet on Sundays, small amount of people come in for a drink. Siva [my second favourite bar man] gave me a little drinks to try out. haha. have u ever seen the drink menu? in any clubs or pubs. the name of the drinks are just absence man. haha! let me give u some example - Salty dog, Bras Monkey[Recommended by Siva and its really nice], Bloody Mary, Blue Balls. the more normal kinds would be Gin Fizz, Singapore Sling [u gotta try this! our national drink. haha. and its nice.]. its so interesting to be a bar maid or a bar man cuz u get to learn how to combine this and that and TADA! a fabulous drink. i like the Malibu. Its a drink that has an alcohol percentage of 21 and it is mixed with coconut. it smells heavenly and taste good [for an experience drinker, not me]. as a person who seldom drink, Malibu come on too strong for me so i diluted it with Coke. haha. it just makes it even nicer. XD
Jennifer [other Mummy of BBR] is really nice. she taught me many things like how to do the bill, credit cards, the switches and all the other staffs, too many to list. she's very knowledgeable and i admire her for that. oh ya! when me and Stacy went down to the kitchen to get something out of the Kitchen lift, i did something stupid. i forgot to press the open button so after some time, the door closed and i cut 2 of my fingers. the cuts were small but darn, the cuts were so deep! Siva gave me ice to numb out the pain and stop the blood but it just kept flowing. gah. but rest assured, i'm fine. haha. i'm did not bleed to death.
i miss Stacy! haha. she's this really nice girl who i can really click along real well. her boyfriend is a chief in Doc Cheng [if i'm not wrong] XD
anyway, after working for so long, i've learnt and realised something. i really don't like whiners. ok, excuse me for awhile but i'm going to rant.
there are some people who slack all the time and hope that everything will get done without action. all they do is complain and suggest but no action done. can't stand that kinda people cuz they only contribute to the noise pollution.
on Friday i worked in Regent and it was an outside catering. we went to a Semi-D condo. its really nice there cuz its grand AND expensive. haha. i heard one apartment come about 1.3 million dollars. this amount is not for the faint hearted and definitely not for people like me who don't have money like that.
but anyway, i'm going to rant about this idiotic guy named Alx, that un-chivalrous pig. he's so selfish and immature. Helm joked that Cyril and him want to pick out a fight and he took it for real and he told Cyril,"i heard u want to fight with me. who the hell do u think u are? i'm telling u that no one ever dare to fight with me. do u want to be the first?" like so wth. Cyril just said he's crazy and both of us rolled our eyes. that egoistic bloat head. ugh. i distaste guys like this.
ok, enough ranting.
i'm off to bathe.
Come what may. [my fav song!]
Never knew, I could feel like this,
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sing
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you, until the end of time
Come what may, come what may
I will love you, until my dying day
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you
And there's no mountain too high, no river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather,
And stars may collide
But I love you (I love you)
(un)Til the end of time (Until the end of time)
Come what may, Come what may
I will love you, until my dying day
Oh come what may, come what may
I will love you (I will love you)
Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Come what may, Come what may
I will love you
Until my dying day(slow down)
8:54 PM
World of Cameras
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
in jeremy's house. from top clockwise : jeremy's dad, Jeremy, bibi, wendy, cyn, me and jade.
us in Fortunate Palace. the service there sucks big time. never will i dine there EVER again.
went to my cousin's house after that. he's staying in the West side of singapore so i saw the sun set! its so beautiful!

TUESDAYwent to Mr Ang's house again to wish him a Happy New Year. His place is always jam-packed with the badminton team, except this year, it is super-duper packed that u have to tip toe around each other to get to the other side of the house. yes, i'm not really exaggerating cuz its really true. anyway, as usual, the place is a gambling den. me and cyn won 10 dollars each but later lose all back to our junior. nvm la, haha. play play only.
me on the swing under Mr Ang's block. taken by wendy. haha.
Female Magazine sure has some very INTERESTING stuffs.after that, i had to travel from Tampines to Clementi to get to Mr Ong's house. Mr ong is my Mavis (Marine Parade) tuition teacher. was meeting Wen Jie and Daryl and i was damn late. haha. and just like Mr Ang's house, the condo apartment is carpeted with all his students.
see?! there's barely much walking space.
our mini gambling den. haha.
the boy boy and wen jie.
Ryan! he's so cute! hahaha! his expression is ever changing. hahaha! and Mr ong said that he is a very lucky kid. so all of us were like asking him to sit on our lap until he got so freaked out. hahaha!
Ryan, Max and Wen jie =)Finally, WEDNESDAY! SENTOSA!!!!!!!what a happy day for all five of us. i'll remember that day forever! i so agree with Jade. she said, "being single and having frens like u ppl is GREAT !! who says being single cannot be happy?? 5 of us have proven this phrase to be wrong." haha. so true, jade, so true.
silly jade. go out suntanning but don't want to tan the face. later look like xiao bai lian. hahaha!
we so called forced her to posed a hot pose for us. there's a reason behind this. hahaha! actually, with or without pose, she's still hot. correct, jade? hahaha!
haha. stupid face. this is a candid shot.
sandy sentosa!
Wendy. =)
haha. crazy jade. that's bibi and cyn too.
the Yummy ice cream we had to quickly enjoy under the hot sun. haha.
on the way to the other side of the bridge.
Jeremiah! hahaha! he's this cute London boy boy we met in the beach. XD
this cute doggie is the puppy of..
..this humongous dog!
haha! cute kiddies playing together.
me and Jeremiah! X)
Jade and Jeremiah. hmm he doesn't seem very happy. see? jade, told u that u scare the kid too much le. haha. no la. i think he is frowning at something else.
don't bug the sleeping dog, Jeremiah. he's too big for u.
happy us. =)
big bowls for the two big furry dogs.
bibi and her forever fav pose. the "stick out ur tongue with chewed food on it" pose. haha
mmm. looks delicious. haha.
my favourite girls. =)SUNGLASSES TRYING! haha! i love this.
KuKu look. haha.

then we got really worn out by the whole sentosa trip so we dozed off in the bus, just like jade.
after that i went to Mabel's house to Bai Nian. on the way there, i saw this lady with this pair of nice expensive shoes. oh man. my shoe craze. haha.All the colors of the rainbow,
All the voices of the wind;
Every dream that reaches out,
That reaches out to find where love begins;
Every word of every story,
Every star in every sky,
Every corner of creation lives to testify
For as long as I shall live,
I will testify to love.
I'll be a witness in the silences
When words are not enough.
With every breath I take,
I will give thanks to God above.
For as long as I shall live,
I will testify to love. X)
From the mountains to the valleys,
From the rivers to the sea;
Every hand that reaches out,
Every hand that reaches out to offer peace (give peace);
Every simple act of mercy,
Every step to kingdom come (kingdom come);
All the hope in every heart will speak what love has done.
Colors of the rainbow
Voices of the wind
Dream that reaches out where love begins
Word of every story
Star in every sky
Corner of creation testify
Mountains to the valleys
Rivers to the sea
Hand that reaches out to offer peace
Simple act of mercy
Step to kingdom come
Every heart will speak
Of what love has done
Colors of the rainbow
Voices of the wind
Dream that reaches out where love begins
Word of every story
Star in every sky
Corner of creation testify
6:19 AM
World of Cameras
Saturday, February 17, 2007
back to the days we went to New York New York for Valentine's day dinner.

crazy us. almost got the whole restaurant in chaos-with our laughters and craziness. haha!

wendy, me and jade.

jade and the rose Bibi gave her. =D

Mud Pie!!! Yum-Mee!!! i can see ur mouth water already. haha.

this crazy photo. haha! Funny Jade! haha. just look at her face! leave me in stitches. hahaha! taken on the day we went to the library. =) i'm that Kuku buried behind the book. haha.
1:31 AM
World of Cameras
Friday, February 16, 2007
[music : lovestoned - justin timberlake]OMIGOSH!!! JACKIE IS BACK!!!! haha! this morning, this stranger came up to my doorstep with jackie sandwiched between his right arm. JACKIE JACKIE! my gawd. he said he found jackie and after asking around my neighbourhood, he manage to get my address. oh THANK GOD. so it goes to show that its good to know and make friends with ur neighbours. AND NEVER BE A KUKU HEAD LIKE ME WHO LOSES THE MOST PRECIOUS THING IN HER LIFE.yup. this girl has learnt her HOORAYYYYY!!!yesterday was REALLY GREAT!went back to school to visit some teacher. TOMOKO sang yesterday for the CNY concert. haha. i went backstage to practice her pitching with her cuz she was kinda out of tuned. but for the second performance, she did a lot better. i'm proud of u, dear girl X) haha. went off to Jack's place for lunch and we were seated beside a table of 4 TPSS teachers so it was kinda awkward at first. haha. i had fun being with u TOMO! XD let's meet up again.
i used to be sitting in that crowd. miss those times. haha.
tomoko. =)
yesterday was like the best day of all days i went to work. i'm working in 2 departments in Raffles. BBR (Bar and Billiard Room) and RG (Raffles Grill). yesterday was my first day in BBR so there was a little getting used to. ok, let's see. BBR's uniform is red blouse, black vest with red strips and pants-skirt with red strips. from what most people think, BBR's uniform is the nicest but to me, i think RG hostess's uniform is the best, then BBR's. haha."lovestoned" by justin timberlake put me in the mood when i was on my way to Raffles so i was very hyper by the time i stepped into Raffles.starting was boring cuz shuhui and i have to polish glasses again. the people are great so i had no trouble with anyone. yesterday there was a wedding dinner being held and as always, its a buffet. had fun. =) i can still remember the people i hit off well just like that *snap of fingers.* Shasha, Pretty, Sharon, Hari, Alex and 2 guys who i can't remember the name but only their faces. haha.ok, blablabla, wedding went on as usual except this is definitely more grand and expensive, more western and modern too. =) after Val and Hidayah (Hostess of last night) went home, i replaced them. i stood outside the entrance with the groom's brother's girlfriend and i had to give parking tickets to the guests who drove to Raffles Hotel. we talked and she's really friendly. ok, shall spare u all the boring details.Best Part? haha. i received a $10 tip from the mom of the groom. she looked at my name tag and mummured, "Germaine." then when i went off to help them carry things into their car, she was like, "Germaine, come here please." then she took out a $10 and secretly pass it to me. "here's a small tip from me. thank you so much for being helpful." i was like so shocked! i froze on the spot for what seems like a second and i told her that i couldn't accept it cuz its my job to help them out but she was like,"just take it. don't let ur manager see u or they will take it away." the groom came by with one bottle of red wine and pat me on the back saying,"u did well. here, take it. don't tell ur manager.", the brother of the groom passed me a small box of the wedding favor and said,"just take this. thank you for the help. don't let ur manager see this." i was like so shocked. it all happened SO FAST! then they just told me to hurry to the staff locker and keep those. Shuhui tried taking one bottle of red wine but was caught by Damian( this german manager) and he took it away after saying,"u can't take this." but i think Damian saw me with the wedding favor but he didn't say anything. so that's pretty weird. when the bridal family went off, we exchanged well wishes and all that. they are really nice and i think i'm really lucky to be given all these stuffs. also, i had an autograph from well known jazz singer who looks like Maggie Q from afar and chocolates from Hari and fudges from Aloy. oh man. i really need to exercise. haha.Hari.. i know ur secret.. heh heh. haha. i'm sure she will sms u. i've given her ur number. GOOD LUCK! haha. hope u like the chocolates i left for u guys!WHEEE!!!! i'm happy!!!! hahaha!ok, that's all. see ya peeps!
11:34 PM
World of Cameras