Tuesday, January 30, 2007
[Music : crucify my love - X Japan]
hello people!!!!!!!haha!i've decied to do my entries with minimum colours and more black since Jesse said that my entries are oh-so-colourful. haha. i'm hoping my next layout will be cheerful but not with a white background.so happy.yesterday went to AHS to support the badminton guys. after that, jade, bibi, jeremy and i went to bugis to eat. didn't bring out much money so we ended up eating pasta mania. haha. MMM! the banana chocolate pizza is very DELICIOUS! after that we fooled around a little. Jeremy not onS lo! haha. he dared me and jade to run across the water fountain but he didn't dare to state a nice prize for it. haha. anyway, we headed for national library. jade said she felt like reading a book lately so i expected her to pile up some books. but no, she went to sit at the couch with jeremy and talked. so in the end, i was the one piled with book. -.-"
took a lot of photo with Wai Hong's 7.something mega pixel camera. SUPER CLEAR! haha. will post the photos here after jade send them to me.took bus 7 home with the girls while jeremy took the mrt. in the bus, we talked and listened to some music. JADE! BIBI! when i came across "Crucify my love" and "Tears" by X Japan in bibi's new ipod, i feel damn happy! haha. i know, they are sad songs but i miss those songs. reminds me of the times we had. X) i remembered at that time, we 3 had a special someone. once we went to bedok reservoir to sit at the playground remember? haha. i remembered i was depressed cuz of something but u 2 were there for me, as always. X)!! jade, i still keep that notebook with the crucify my love's lyrics. which remind me, my mom threatened to dump my "rubbish". all the "rubbish" are the things that u guys and my other friends gave me! so sad la. i know i keep all sorts of things that u guys give me - big to small, useless to useful. but all of those stuffs contain so many memories! =( BOO.
anyway, have u ever realise that sometimes when u listen to old songs, song that u love in the past, u will remember all the past memories? sighh. haha. its like they are all stored in a package."Wo niu (snail)"-jay chou. MICHAEL."Tong hua"- guang liang. MISS TAN AND THE TEAM!black eye peas songs. ANDREW."Qing tian", "an jing"-jay chou and so many other chinese songs!. SI MIN, ESTHER, CINDY."Fen Shou Kuai Le"-fish leong. JONATHAN.
"Huo yan zia"- jay chou. JUN WEI.
high school musical songs and nathan hartono songs. FELICIA."Shen Ri Kuai Le", "Superwoman", "Kiss goodbye" and all the other Kbox songs. JADE, BIBI."YI LU XIANG BEI"-Jay chou. POO SIANG.Elva's songs. VICTOR and CHERYL.there's a lot more but i shall not continue. TOO MANY! i miss u guys!
HAHA! was reading Jade's blog just now. haha! "CK's build is sizziling hot. hahahahas !! BZ and YY agreed with me too.. really really nice and attractive especially when he puts on his jersey. LoL." i got these sentence from there. haha. i can't believe jade said that. sizzling hot? haha. didn't expect that out of her mouth. oh, which remind me, i've promised to treat her to TCC's oreo cheesecake. haha. jade definitely made me happy to a whole new level.
late night Helmisan (one of regent's senior captain) sms-ed me saying that i will be one of the VIP server for the next function he is in charge of! wa wa wa WA! i got all frantic and hysterical after reading the sms. super shock! how can?! i'm only there for 4 days and i'm serving VIP le? what if i got nervous and screw up? oh man. unthinkable. also, that means that i have to wear cheong sum. dang. oh well, i'll try my best.
oh yay! my pay is coming soon. i'm gona save about hundred plus bucks to buy a guitar. i've checked out the price. then i'll do some self learning. whee!! can't wait. i was listening to one of jay chou's song's just now and i like one of the piano pieces. gona take out my keyboard to try and learn now.
9:20 PM
World of Cameras
Monday, January 29, 2007
after speaking to jesse just now, i suddenly miss school so much!
i miss those times.
i remembered jumping around and singing like no one's business. haha.
i've got a secret,
a funny little secret
oh boy i hope u wouldn't tell..
she's fine like wine and sweeter than sweets
like honey honey no one can beat
she'll keep any guy she is willing to keep..
when.. u do the things u do, u got me off my feet
when u say that things u say, i'm at the edge of my seat
when u shake my hand, u say "how do u do?"
i said i'm fine but in my mind i'm screaming "I LOVE YOU!"
-thanks to felicia with her nathan hartono craze, that song kept playing in my head.
haha. yup. i sang that like a gazillion time that cindy had to shut me up. haha! i remembered those times. all sort of method that girl uses. esther, si min, cindy and i will always sing jay chou's songs. sometimes other people like jun wei and jonathan will join in. ahhhh.. those memories.
i remembered andrew had to always lend us his zen player and his creative player. that rich guy. haha. i miss some people from my class!
UGH. i'm kinda irritated with regent's grooming. this time, i'm going to try another hairstyle and hopefully, Alex will think its ok for me so he wouldn't be bugging me to step into his office for gel and hair stuffs. i hope he will leave me alone for once. thinking back, i'm always that one girl having trouble with the dressing code of places like schools. Miss Picca used to always bug me to dye my hair black, tuck in my blouse, don't wear coloured ankle socks, stop getting wet, blab blab blab. but hey, i'm not the only one. haha. the guys are always in trouble cuz of their hair and shirt. esther, jade, si min and some other girls also always get caught by that Mr Fatul. haha.oh, those days. =)
6:17 AM
World of Cameras
Quick Replies!Ritz : haha. i know! all about the culture. yup, i purposely ask to work all those days he's off. so i would bump into him. heh.Tomoko ! : oh, i see. which junior are u talking about? the girls or the boys? anyway, i'll be going with Jade they all to support them. =) haha.lyn ! : haha. yupyup! if u really like meeting all sorts of people, u should try. =)jennifer : are u jennifer soh? if u are, then yeah, i remember u. =) i'm doing fine. thanks a lot. wow, TJ's not bad. i wanted to crash the orientation but decide otherwise in the end. haha.mel : =) back at cha!
5:31 AM
World of Cameras
today was the best! XD
went to meet hazel and michael at 12plus this afternoon to take a bus down to Jess's house!
then reached her place, slacked and waited for josh and the other guys to arrive.
they took YEARS to arrive!
we headed to the pool.
had mega fun! =)
tan, swim, slack, chat, pizza!
all today! haha!
sunbathed till almost 4.
so we were all burnt, but happy! =)
especially me. X))
we went back to her house and took turns to bath. luckily there are 3 toilets so there wasn't much of a rush.
after we were all clean and dried, we cuddled up in the living room, enjoying each other's presence.
its funny but i'm amazed by how we can just enjoy each other's company just like that.
played some games and started poking fun at each other. Kenny said some cheesy phrases. HAHA! this time, its rather special cuz MICHEAL was with us! haha. this gathering is actually a small, simple "Welcome back home" party for michael. X) wow. he sure changed quite a bit. so obvious he worked out a lot in australia, more tanned too. that cheeky grin and puppy eyes are still there. =)
AHHH!!! i love you guys too much!!!
You guy certainly made my day. X)
i'm tanned AND happy =)
tmr jade and i have decided to go support the B boys in AHS for their tournament.
this weekend is going to be a BLAST.
psst. thanks josh for the Doughnut! its YUMMY! =D
2:30 AM
World of Cameras
went to michael's blog just now. one of the videos he had in there is very touching! its about a couple. the girl got hurt when she accidentally poured some kinda substance into her eye. after she recovered and regained her eye sight, she realise that the guy had left. feeling devastated cuz she thought that the guy didn't love her anymore, she cried and live life with sadness. one day she came by this blind guy and she realised that the guy gave her his eyes. the reason he left is so that she will not feel bad that he gave up his eyes for her to see the colourful things in life. oh man. so sad la. sighhh..
i don't know the reason why but last night during the wedding, i saw the bridal couple and i felt tears in my eyes. i thought i had given up on u completely but i guess sometimes the past will still float back. shrugs* oh well. what else can i do except to push u to the back of my mind every time u appear in my head?
1:45 AM
World of Cameras
Sunday, January 28, 2007
You Are 24 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirty something at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
got this out of jess's blog. did the quiz and this is the results. nothing to do today, so have been watching Dvds, Tv programmes, Mtv, basically slacking. today is so blahhh... nothing fun or exciting to do. nothing to accomplish. i feel like going to national library later to borrow some more books.
yesterday at work was fun but wasn't great as the past few days. kinda bored and a little irritated with the dress code. oh well, nothing i can do except to follow the rules. went to meet michael before work. wow, the inside of fullerton is so nice. =)
oh, the decorations for last night's wedding is probably the nicest i've seen so far. in the bridal table and the VIP table, gold plates are being used. on all tables, instead of the normal decorations such as flowers in the middle of the lazy susan, there is a big round wax and 3 candles on it. surrounding the wax are scattered pieces of rose petals. wow, with the lights dimmed and music on, the places just has "romantic" and "lovely" written all over it. sighhhh.. haha.
a DJ hosted the event last night. things were really glamorous. i managed to serve 5 dishes out of 8 last night. i know, still not really good but i'm working on it. haha. there were about 7 kids present and i had 3 kids at my table and one toddler. made the job even harder cuz they make a BIG mess but its alright. thank goodness Roy and Lian Dun were near my table to help me at times. =)
might be going to Wet and Wild with Jade one day this week. YAY! funfunfun! hahaha. but there are some setbacks. she might not be able to go tmr due to some reasons but i think tmr is the only day i'll be free. let's see, for this week, i'll be working on wed, fri, sat, sun. =) the whole of next week will be working in Raffles Hotel. seems like they are holding some kinda events that stretches for the whole week. after that week, i'll be promoting Apple Juice so yeahhhh, will be quite busy. oh well.
oh ya, Tomoko! i don't think i'll be going to ur Yoga classes after all. will be working on most saturdays. sorry.. =(
i've gotten some chain smses lately. there was one really sickening one. says that if i don't pass on the sms to this certain number of people, my mum will die. like HUH?! come on man, cut the crap. don't send this kinda sms-es. u're only helping Singtel/M1/Starhub earn easy money. please stop sending these kinda sms to me or anyone else. i'll only delete them. thanks. sweet sms-es like goodnight ones or well wishes are ok. i'll save them for memory sake. =)
YAY!!! off to jess's place soon! can't wait! X)!
all of u take care yeah?! haha
11:51 PM
World of Cameras
Saturday, January 27, 2007
yesterday, a bunch of us went to a chalet booked for Joanna's brother, Joshua. its his birthday chalet. Mmm. wouldn't say its very fun or anything but we had a reasonable good time. =)
went there with Bryan. almost got lost. haha. we intended to sit a shuttle bus to Costa Sand Resort, Pasir Ris. after waiting for some time, we decided to find the place by foot, only to find that its located next to escape theme park. -.-" wasted our time waiting. haha.
watched some tv before jade, that sleeping beauty woke up. headed down to downtown east to buy bread with a few of them. jade and i decided to do some baby stuffs. see the photos?

see? the table is too small for us big babies! haha.
pretty colours X)
La Bi Xiao Xing! haha.

Jade all focus on the task at hand.
mine! Doremon with poisoned hands and feet. haha. i forgot that the hands and the feet should be white. =X
jade's! haha. her's so much cuter. =)
jade and her master piece. =)
after the whole baby business, we intended to go into escape to play but it kept drizzling. BOO. so we headed back to the chalet and ate some BBQ-ed food. went to play a little pool with Bryan, Ivan and Jeremy. =) fun fun!
OH! Bryan and Jeremy pushed Joanna into the pool. haha. luckily she wasn't angry or anything. she lost her spects in the pool so bryan took off his top and went in for it. wow. did that guy worked out, or what? can see the change in his biceps and his chest. haha. Chris and Kelvin kept talking about it when they sent me and jade out to the bus stop.
alright-yy! gotta go bath now! see ya! i'm off to work in about an hour time!
9:43 PM
World of Cameras
Friday, January 26, 2007
groggy groggy
this is groggy germaine typing in an entry. blah.
as night got to serve in a gala dinner, which was hella interesting and fun. =) its western so there were 4 sets of dishes instead of the Chinese's 8 sets. much more easier, i must say. its a blend of 3 different groups of people, namely Chinese, Malay and of cuz the Americans. there was a chinese performance on someone who can change a mask real fast. very fascinating.
a mini casino was opened last night and i had to serve cocktail drinks. more alcohol drinks.
here are the dishes served :
appetizer - bread (4 different kinds)
soup - clear mushroom soup [it smells heavenly. mouth waters*. haha.]
prawns and beef - tiger prawns with a bit of mango and tender steak.
desert - green tea pudding with a little waffle and mango ice something. [this is the best dish! the mango is like a frozen ice cream, named with a French name. super nice! the staff had some in the kitchen and when the mango ice cream was in my mouth, it gave me BRAIN FREEZE!]
OH! and i learnt how to serve red and white wine too! haha. i didn't drip and on the table too! haha. i was appointed to serve along with one of the senior captains for the reserved seats. He said that i learn things fast and i do waitressing like i'm born to do it, if i carry on with the good work, i''ll be serving the VIP table the next dinner! super shocked. during Chinese New Year period like on the 23rd, Helmisan (one of the manager) asked me to waitress in one of the major events. brr. this is going wayyyy too fast for me. don't know if i should be happy about this but i sure have a tinge of nervousness! haha.
made a few new friends yesterday. one is Sylvester, he's from Africa. really open and friendly, very nice to talk to. he told us all about Africa. seems that Africa isn't the way we picture it to be. it is much better now, more civilised and modernised. another is Shi Sha, she's from china and she's really nice. she taught me many new things! such as skirting the tables, polishing wine glasses. =) the 3rd is Lian Tun, from china too. he helped me with the setting up of the tables. all of them including andy stayed back with me until 2 plus. gosh, super tired.
YAY! meeting Jade later! haha. going for my apple juice interview.
1:04 AM
World of Cameras
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Kiera Knightly has probably the nicest lips on earth. =DTOMOKO!!!!!! GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR NETBALL TOURNAMENTS! LAST YEAR LE! JIA YOU!! haha.Oh yeah. speaking of tournaments. the badminton juniors are starting theirs soon. or had it started already? HMM. anyway, ALL THE BEST YEAH?! haha!QUICK SHOUT OUTS!jess ! : haha. i've planned out something already. =) i'll tell u on the phone or something. haha. mustn't let michael find out! hahaha! and yeah, i'll be careful. the manager is like 10 years older. i don't feel any attraction on my part. =Svivian ! : haha. i miss u too! i like to pull faces. HMM. maybe i should run off to the circus and be a clown. might turn out to be fun! haha. mmm. nahhh.. need to get serious for once.michael ! : hahaha. am i suppose to tell u anything? come on over and find out by yourself! haha. did u mention SHOPPING SPREE?! heh heh heh! i'm all for it! haha. u're so dead, mike. u're going home with an empty pocket and it will have enormous hole in it! WAHAHAHA!kenny ! : hahaha. yes, i'm soo not in love.ritz : hahaha. why must u emphasis on high heels? well, not really. my shoes have a one inch heel and that's all. but when i do waitressing at major events, i've to wear a 3 inch heel, make up and a CHEONG SOME(is that the way to spell it? haha)! i've seen it before. tight fitting, silky, CHEENA, long that it almost touch the ground and has this splits at the sides that goes wayyyy up the thighs. bleach. but for now, just banquet uniform, make up, one inch heels.gy : haha. i'm going to bugis tmr!!!! sms me a reminder alright? i might forget. haha. i'll change my blog skin when i find a nice one! or else u help me find lo! haha.van : haha. i miss u too! have fun!
3:50 AM
World of Cameras
sigh.. ok, u know what? i think the preview post was kinda harsh. i'm sorry. just... don't make use of others, alright? we are human too with feelings and tolerance level.
3:48 AM
World of Cameras
hello hello!
I GOT THE RAFFLES JOB!!!!!!!! hahaha! so now i have to juggle part time jobs between Regent and Raffles. yay! now i have more things to do. i can't go out cuz i'll tend to spend money and i can't afford to do that right now cuz i'm so so broke. staying at home is also out of the question as i can just die of boredom after i have done reading all the library books. so going to work is the best option. i get to go out and instead of spending money, i earn them! haha.
yesterday is my second day of work! haha. not as exciting as Saturday though. felt kinda lost cuz Qian Feng wasn't working yesterday. BOO. haha. still love the job just the same. =) i just stood outside the royal ball room for like 4 hours while a meeting was being held in there. bleach. i met the other manager (iskandar) yesterday and he asked me to put on more make up. =( so i went back to the ladies and Ding Jie lent me her blusher and lippie.
when the guest came out for coffee break, i had to clear and replenish the cups, tea, places, milk, take away rubbish, dirty cups, tea spoons and plates. most of them are Americans and they are The Abott Group. don't know what the heck they are holding functions for. after the function, i mingled and informed them that their cocktail reception was at the second floor, by the pool. then i had to direct some of them there.
OHOH! haha. i screwed up once. haha. iskandar asked me to look out for the couple with a neck tag that says Russian Holiday. i found one who has the tag Russian Federal so i asked if he is the one. then a lady walked up to me and she asked where is the pool. i said, "the pool? are u going for the welcome FEDERAL?" it sounds wrong and i caught myself a wee bit too late. the lady seem confused. i laughed and said, "i'm so sorry, mdm. i meant the welcome RECEPTION." luckily, she laughed too and nodded. i directed her and told the incident to auntie and iskandar, they laughed at me. haha. i can't believe i can say wrong things just like that. wasn't using my brain at all. haha.
my legs hurt from standing for 8 hours. another manager came and he asked me if i am tired, i nodded my head furiously. he laughed and led me into Tanglin Meeting Room 3. there, i sat and rested for like 5 minutes before going out again to assist the guests. they will be having their Gala Dinner this thursday and i'll be serving!! whee!!! haha. there will be wedding dinners on both saturday and sunday! yay! haha. i love grand dinners, duno why.
i made another new friend and she's auntie. haha. she is very nice and i like her a lot. we went to rearrange the table and straightened out everything in the Royal Ballroom. auntie is a very good working companion. she talks a lot of chinese and fortunately i can make out what she was telling me so there wasn't any communication break down. she's working in Raffles too so she had to go home earlier. Iskandar asked me to have dinner with him but i said i need to go home for dinner. he said that if i don't, he'll deduct my pay. wth lo. grr. so i followed him into the staff canteen and i sat there while he ate. bleach. then he sent me home. sighhhh..
anyway, yesterday was quite fun. need go shopping for make up. bleach. so i'm meeting Jade tmr!!!!! YAY YAY!!! hahaha! going for dinner with her before shopping, i guess. but most importantly, i get to see her again, after not seeing her for about a week. HAHA!
this is to a girl and u know who u are. i'm gona make this as short as i can.
stop bossing me around. i'm not ur paper doll. i've my limits and u've so crossed the line. don't u ever yell at me. i hate it when ppl yell at me as though my ear drums are not functioning anymore, especially if its for those small freaking things. don't u get angry with me for small things that u can't understand. i can't make it for ur stupid party cuz i was working till 2 am the night before so i overslept. i was so tired la. u can't understand and got angry with me instead. like what am i supposed to do? go to the party and doze off? u'll probably hammer me on the head for not paying attention as u talk about urself. i even said sorry though there wasn't a need to. u're probably the most self-centred person i've known. who the hell will bother about what u wore the week before? u laugh so loudly at ur own lame jokes and its irritating. others silently glared at u and u are so oblivious to those glares. the other time, my eyes hurt and i asked nicely if u can stop flickering those torch lights. damn u, u senselessly continued. i kept quiet and walked away cuz i couldn't take it anymore. what did u do? yell at me for ditching u behind. don't u get why i kept walking away from u? i'll be there for u like i promised when ur ex broke up with u but that doesn't mean that u can walk all over me. u called me at the wee hour, so fine, i picked up the call and talked to u. when i dozed off, u accused me of being unsupportive. i'm not a robot on 24/7! i need my sleep now that i'm working. i don't mind doing things for u but not when u misuse me. maybe in ur eyes, i'm ur slave. but i'm telling u, i'm not.
2:15 AM
World of Cameras
Sunday, January 21, 2007
[Music : your crowning glory - raven and julie andrews]haha. this is the song me and the gang played with when we were at jess's house.me :
If there's a prize for unjudgement
I guess I've already
won it
No man is worth the aggravation
That's ancient history -- been there done that
them :
Who'd ya think you're kiddin'
He's the Earth and heaven to you
Try to keep it hidden
Honey, we can see right through you
Girl, ya can't conceal it
We know how ya feel and
Who you're thinking of
me :
No chance, No way
I won't say it, no, no
them :
You swoon, you sigh, why deny it, uh-oh
me :
It's too cliche
I won't say i'm in love
them :
sha la sha la
me :
I thought my heart had learned it's lesson
It feels so good when you start out
My head is screaming, "get a grip, girl!
Unless you're dying to cry your heart out"
them :
You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feeling
Baby, we're not buying
Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown-up
When ya gonna own up
That ya got, got it bad
me :
No chance, no way,
I won't say it, no, no
them :
Give up, give in
Check the grin you're in love
(you're in love you're in love)
them :
You're doin' flips, read our lips:
you're in love
me :
You're way off base, I won't say it
Get off my case, I won't say I'm in love
I wont say it no, no, I wont say it
At least out loud, I won't say i'm in love
haha. it was so fun la. like Broadway or something. so the drama.AHHHH!!!! I MISS YOU GUYS!!!Can't stop loving you guys enough. XDyesterday was my first day in Regents Hotel and it was hella fun!!!i love the people there!haha.actually, most of them are foreigners but they are damn fun to be with. i've got staffs who are from Malaysia, china, myammar (don't know how to spell =S), africa, america and of cuz a few from singapore. there's one guy from ACJC and others from polys.i have 5 managers. or supervisors. i don't know. haha. they are all clad in black suits with a badge. one lady, 4 men. they are all very nice people, like to joke about and stuff but all these are "back stage". when guests come or something, they act very professionally. very cheeky, very easy to talk to. =)and gosh! i talked the most chinese yesterday! like the most in my whole life! hahahaha. cuz my manager put me with this guy, Qian Feng so that he can help me out for my first day. damn pai seh. heh.i've learnt so much! so happy. i waitressed in a wedding dinner and carrying the tray of cocktail drink is tiring. i mean REAL TIRING. my hands were shaking after the tenth tray. had to put on a smile everywhere i go cuz have to greet the guest and mingle with them. but it was so fun! haha. get to see so many different kinds of people.haha.miracle was that i didn't drop or break anything. haha. i could have sworn that my hands will just give way and everything will topple and break. whew.i don't really know how to serve the food professionally so Qian Feng and the other 2 malay guys helped me with the serving. i cleared the dishes, replace them, refilled the drink, get the dirty dishes to the kitchen. up, down, up, down. my legs hurt like hell. bleach. i have dark eye bags. o.OManager sent me home by taxi. the other new and old staffs took the Regent Hotel bus home. ahhh.. felt damn blessed. chatted with her and she told me that might increase the number of days i'll be working cuz she is satisfied by my progress. XD happy happy. the other manager walked past me during cocktail time and told me that i did a great job! haha. happy happy.woke up at 12 today! haha. thankfully my parents were out so i can oversleep. MY WHOLE BODY ACHES! arms, legs, u name it, i feel pain there. =( bleach.AHHH!!! JADE!!!! i'm truly happy! haha. i miss you too! so happy that i was like babbling all over on the phone with u! hahahaha! XD i'll give u a full massage in joshua's chalet on saturday ok? haha. till then, try not to miss me too much. *wink!* heh.and that jess, u silly dilly! why didn't tell me that u were at the wedding?! and that the bride is actually ur cousin?! wa lao. haha.oh! did u guys see the papers today? there is one advertisement by Raoul.
see this guy? Hot right? i love his eyes. memorizing. eeps! sends shivers down spines. haha. somewhat like a latin lover. woots.
12:46 AM
World of Cameras
Friday, January 19, 2007
REPLIESjess ! : what? why blonde highlights? and i don't mind trying out something new. but why blonde? haha.kenny! : *wink* yup. and what are u gona do about that huh? haha.anonymous : mmm. sad ah? of cuz will sad but what's the point? i mean no matter how sad i am, it will not help me get her back so i'm trying to live life the way it is now and try to find her. just miss that little hyper doofus in my home. no jackie to happily welcome me home, no warm jackie to snuggle up to at night, blabla. soo. duno. haha. thanks for ur concern though. =)josh ! : haha. i might try. i'm planning to do highlights anyway. haha.amanda ! : WELCOME WELCOME! as long as u have a great day today. sorry its actually belated. heh. but u and Matthew have to do lesser of all those ahem "bonding" when u are with us. haha.hazel ! : yes yes? may i be of ur service? a massage? oh yes, mdm. coming right up. the cost will be $5 an hour ah! hahaha. kidding. i'll do it the next time i see u. =)micheal ! : haha. ok, sorry sorry. my bad. aiyo! make me blush for what HMM?! oh gosh, i'm super high now. don't know why. hahaha.michelle ! : oooh, u're just being modest. u're really pretty! =)
5:11 AM
World of Cameras
[Music : made- Jamie scott(step up song track)]
celebrated amanda's birthday, the gang and i bought her a cake :)
we didn't have any lighters so josh had to rush to the provision store near her house to buy one. HAHAA i forgot my matchsticks
then we played with the cream. started with jess, hazel and i smearing it all over amanda's face. I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN IT ON CAMERA, darn.
then the boys joined. YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE STATE OF OUR SHIRTS. all covered with chocolate stains. haha
because i talked to you till 12am so its definitely ME!
from Van, Jolene, Jess and Hazel. in these boxes, there are something. wondering what's in there?
CANDIES!!!! hahahaha. all the candies that our dear amanda loves!
the BIG card Shan gave Amanda, along with the toy fireman's cap and the hammer that squeaks when it hits on something. haha. Amanda's ambition is to be a fire woman and a judge!
Fire Chief lei. don't play play. heh.
THIS IS THE CARD I GAVE HER! HAHA. that CD is from me, jess and hazel. we recorded our time together with amanda in it as a memoir. X)
Duckie from Kenny, that joker.
Elmo from Josh! haha. Amanda LOVES Elmo, don't u? haha.
the cute clips are from Beatrice and the purple bangles are from lyn =)
Card given by Beatrice and Lyn. haha. the photos are funny.
lastly, Chocolate from her darling Matthew! hahaha!we played and played and played till it was around 2 pm. then we went separate ways. Jess and I went to Singapore Poly again to get my 100 dollars voucher. Amanda and her darling went off to enjoy and get lost in their er ren shi jie. heh heh.reached Singapore Poly only to find ourselves lost. the school is like SO BIG! but we managed to get to the main office and guess what? the teacher wasn't in school. BOO. so we had to wait for one of the stuff to collect the prize from his table. the whole time took about an hour. thankfully, they were kind enough to let us sit in the guest room. =) Yay.. now i have 100 dollars to spend on world of sports stuffs. Means i am able to get that jacket i want after all!!!!! HOORAYYYYYY!!! HAPPY HAPPY!michelle! i was reading ur blog just now and i saw ur prom night photos! OMIGOSH! u look gorgeous! hahaha. not saying u look horrible normally but with make up and all, u're just VA-VA-VOOM! haha.was snacking on nuggets just now. YUMYUM!!!! courtesy of Michael. thanks a lot! =) how do u know i love nuggets HMM? hahaha. thanks for shipping some over! X) psstttt... my new spects will be fire engine red. heh!
1:53 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, January 18, 2007
josephine! : i'm glad. =)
vivian ! : haha. yeah, its ok. that's the least i can do after all u guys went through for me. =) thanks a lot!
Michael ! : thanks. =) i'm feeling better now. hopefully i'll find her soon.
michelle ! : i'm missing u too. =( there's so much to catch up with u! i want to see all those L.A photos too! haha. XD
tomoko ! : hey, so sorry i can't make it on friday. =( my dad again. i can't even go send Heng Leng off! so sad la.
Kenny ! : like i said, yes yes, i agreed it is cute. haha. yupyup! i want to do it again! so fun! let's go dirty jess dad's car so that we can go clean it again. hahaha. i'm so evillllllll...
joel ! : haha. thanks! a smile will be on my face from now on. =D
bibi ! : ahhh!!! heart melt! hahaha.
6:18 AM
World of Cameras
[music : contigo en la distancia- Christina Aguilera]
OH OH! GOOD NEWS! my parents decide to give me some time to think about the migration so they allowed me to continue my education here in singapore! if i go to poly, which i hope i will, i still have a period of 3 years! HOORAYYYYYY!!! hahahahahaha. but i will be flying off to study in an oversea university and that will most likely be in U.S. but hey! 3 more years! wooohooo! HAPPY HAPPY!
TEMASEK POLY is definitely for me! hahaha.
it is the closest thing i can get to Jc life. scratch that idea of wearing uniform. as much as i love uniform, i guess i'm alright with casual dressing now. it might be more fun than i thought it would be. TP is kinda small. smaller than i expected it to be. but heck, its newer than some polys such as SP? haha.
mmm. the school seem united and most of my friends will be going to TP instead of some other far away polys. most importantly, it has the course that i want to take! haha. HOTEL MANAGEMENT or widely known as TOURISM AND HOTEL MANAGEMENT! more opportunities to go to a university as there are many universities that offers this course. lets say, NUS, SMU and other overseas ones such as OXFORD. yay! haha. there's this new course about airport stuffs. like learning how to manage an airport and the best part is that the students can get to fly over to other countries to learn about their airports. cool eh?
there are a lot of ccas there too! or do they call them clubs or society in polys? haha. anyway, there are so many choices! sports have badminton, water polo, swimming, canoing, bowling, squash, (these are the few i took notice). i saw this guy who is tanned, toned, cute. heh. think he is from the water sports. heh. oh darn. what happen to my resolution to focus in my studies?! haha.
anyway, moving on..
of cuz there are also dances like traditional dances, modern dances, bla bla. oh, mass com peeps are definitely a fun batch. they acted a play for us to watch and its super hilarious! really! the bunch of us kept laughing non-stop. i like the way they act. there's a girl who looks a lot like xinyang(weiyang's friend). super alike. the gay guy is super funny. the lawyer guy is an eye candy. heh. the rest are just as great.
met up with Sun Mei, tomoko and wai hong today. saw so many familiar faces. oh! there is this drama guy who is a replica of Wai Hong! really alike la! haha. Wai Hong brought us to see him and bibi and i were so shock at the resemblance. oh, according to Wai Hong, there are many ways to tell apart the girls in each schools.
Business - mostly pretty. wears short shorts and a normal tee.
Design - outstanding cuz of heavy make up and accessories. mmm. looks can't really judge cuz after all, make up do make girls look better.
Engineering - not many pretty girls. in fact, not many girls at all.
applied-science - i can't remember what he said.
these are the course i'm interested in :
1) hotel and tourism management -business
2) the airport one -engineering
3) mass com -business
4) law management -business
oh, we (bibi, Jeremy, me) board the wrong bus home. went to bedok interchange instead and i returned my library books. bibi went into this clothes store cuz she wanted to see the dress her sister bought. and guess what? she psycho me to buy this top and i went out of the store with that top. paid, of cuz. its knitted and has this woolly feel to it. cute but have to wear a tube inside cuz it has a big opening. HAHA! when i had tried on the top, bibi and i debated a little if it is worth buying. then we did a stupid thing. she stuck her tongue out at me and i gave her a spastic look. haha. the sale girl must have thought that it was just a daily thing for us to do. haha. walked home from Bedok. somehow, i find it fun to walk home. i don't mind walking home from Tampines or Bedok. as long as i don't loose my way, i'm fine. =)
NEXT SATURDAY YOGA WITH TOMOKO! can hardly wait! whee!
I WANT TO GO SENTOSA! OR EAST COAST! any beach will do! haha. I WANT TO CYCLE! sentosa better! can sun tan. JADE! JESS! HAZEL! are u gamed? heh.
cramps kills, that's for sure.
went to visit justin in CGH today. that silly guy. don't know how he broke his leg. tsk tsk. now he has a cast on and all of us signed it. i wrote one BIG BIG ONE! hahaha. "JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE! RECOVER REAL FAST AND BRING US SEXYBACK ONCE AGAIN! heart FROM THE GREAT ONE AND ONLY GERMAINE!hahaha! " yup. super spastic right? hahaha. its ok. as long as he smiled when he read it, will do. X)
oh, was on the phone with quite a number of people like a few nights ago. i didn't know that SO many things can happen in such a short time! for ex, i talked to esther chua and wow, so much to catch up on! esp love life bla bla. mine is kinda stagnant and i hope to keep it this way for some time but hers is like wow. haha. what a babe.
and oh my! how fast people grow! was talking to adelicia that night. the last time i remembered, Adeline, her youngest sis was in K1 and now? pri 2! haha. and her second youngest sis and her younger brother (shit, i forgot their names =S) are in sec school now. the sad part is that the whole family have moved to bishan. =( they were my neighbor.. sad sad. but its ok! i'll be going over to their house for chinese new year visit when i'm going to my cousin's place! hahaha! my cousin stay in the bungalow area, u see. so quite convenient.
oh! speaking of Bishan. i went to Junction 8 like 2 weeks ago and i saw this shirt. super cute! its brown and has COOKIE MONSTER on it! i sooo wanted to buy but didn't bring out my wallet. so sad! it cost $9.90. bleach.
HAHA! i remembered joel and i trying to imagine that one day, sponge bob has a girlfriend. who will she be and how she will look like. haha.
the best thing about french/latin/spanish songs is that they are damn nice and if it is a sad song about separations or whatever, u wouldn't feel sad cuz u don't know what the heck they are singing. hahaha. another reason for me to love jazz. XD
i'm going to save money for a guitar and do some self learning. mustaqim said he will give me some lessons too. wonder if the offer still stands.
oh, btw, loh wei yang, thanks a lot for the offer of giving me a guitar for my birthday and free lessons but no thanks. i can manage on my own. =) thanks anyway!
4:28 AM
World of Cameras
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
[music : The All American Reject - move along]
The star i once saw shining so brightly has dimmed
but i rest in peace
in the assurance and the knowledge
that the star will one day light up the sky once more
for there has never been success without setbacks
and though i have been challenged with many
i know i must stand firm
for now a chapter of my life ends
and a new page has begun.
back from jess's house! =)
the gang never fail to cheer me up. love you guys lots! heh.
now i know that car washing can be so FUN! its like we can play and wash at the same time! haha. i'm so glad jess suggested bikini instead of normal tee and shorts. was totally soaked! got soap all over so we hosed each other down. haha. josh and kenny were in trunks and that stupid kenny wore sponge bob trunks. hahahaha. damn funny lo. we kept laughing at him but he seem to like the trunk a lot. haha. ya la ya la, kenny. very cute la. haha. hazel that naughty girl whipped jess with her towel, jess whipped me and this got the whipping thing started. haha. best part of all is the WATER FIGHT! haha. yes, the name says it all. we used the hose to "fire" each other. super hilarious man. ahhh. i'm missing u guys now! haha.
after the car had been washed off and wiped, we jumped into the pool. ahhh. damn shoik? haha. is that the spelling? seldom use that word so pardon me. heh. the sun is glaring so did a little suntanning. i'm darker! chao da! hahaha. sorry. super high. anyway, we dried off and raced each other into jess's house. haha! kenny tripped over in the porch. hahaha! today, he's the man clown.
showered and settle down to watch tee vee. haha. yup. that's the way how josh said tv. tee veeeee.. after an hour of self-entertainment, we went down to Lao Ba Sa to eat. YUM YUM! and being the man of his words, Josh treat me to dinner. THANKS A LOT!
6:08 AM
World of Cameras
its amazing how some people can really judge on others without really knowing them huh. HMM.
i'm bored. not yet time to go jess's house. Mmm.
to Tomoko: i think u should really have a talk with the whole team. gather them together and settle down to really talk. no point in waiting. u're pulling ur hair out and its ur o level year. if i were u, i'll tell that freak teacher in the face that she is practicing this thing called favoritisms/biasness in plain, simple english. u girls have been bullied enough. there's such things as limitations and they have sooo crossed the line. walk out on them if u have to. they need u girls but you don't exactly need them. let them come to their senses through the hard way.
1:21 AM
World of Cameras

Understand Who the Homeless Are - Help dispel the stereotypes about the homeless. Learn about the different reasons for homelessness, and remember, every situation is unique.
Respect the Homeless as Individuals - Give the homeless people the same courtesy and respect you would your friends and family.
Develop Lists of Shelters - Carry a card that lists local shelters so you can hand them out to the homeless. You can find shelters in your Yellow Pages.
Bring Food - When you pass someone who asks for change, offer them something to eat.
Give Clothing - Next time you do your home cleaning, keep an eye out for clothes that you no longer wear. If these items are in good shape, gather them together and donate them to organizations that provide housing for the homeless.
Give Toys - Children living in shelters have few possessions --if any-- including toys. Homeless parents have more urgent demands on what little money they have, such as food and clothing. So often these children have nothing to play with and little to occupy their time. You can donate toys, books, and games to family shelters to distribute to homeless children.
Volunteer At A Shelter - Shelters thrive on the work of volunteers, from those who sign people in, to those who serve meals, to others who counsel the homeless on where to get social services.
Volunteer At A Soup Kitchen - Soup Kitchens provide one of the basics of life, nourishing meals for the homeless and other disadvantaged members of the community. Volunteers generally do much of the work, including picking up donations of food, preparing meals, serving it, and cleaning up afterward. To volunteer your services, contact you local soup kitchen, mobile food program, shelter, or religious center.
1:13 AM
World of Cameras
oh, here's the song that i wanted to dedicate to Bibi and Jade last night. this is a song from the Cheetah Girls and if u just pretend u are one of the girls, u'll get the meaning of the song.theres a time when we all choose
to either quit
or follow through
to just lose faith
or trust your heart,
to somehow lead you through the dark
your not the only one
who's dreamin'
who needs help to carry on
we might get lonely but were not alone
(Guitar Break)
cuz we are sisters, we stand together
we make up one big family though we don't look the same
our spots are different, different colors
we make each other stronger that ain't ever gonna change
we're cheetah girls cheetah sisters
gotta do what we gotta do got the brains,
got the power, and we speak the truth
we're from everywhere all around
the world so you best respect the cheetah girls
dance and singing from our birth Workin' hard
for what we deserve
trying not to break the rules
cause mama didn't raise a fool
it may seem we're only dreamin'
and we need help to carry on
it's good to know we're not alone
Believe it mister
we're cheetah girls, cheetah sisters
someones always there behind
to catch us if we fall
cuz we are sisters,(sisters) we stand together
we make up one big family though we don't look
the same our spots are different(different),
different colors(different colors) we make each other
stronger that ain't ever gonna change
Beleive it mister We're cheetah girls, cheetah sisters
we've gone through a lot together for 4 years. Thick, thin, love, studies, team, friends problems, u name it, we got through it. last night was great cuz it was just the 3 of us. =) let's not lost contact even after we split into different future paths. i love you girls a lot! muacks!
12:14 AM
World of Cameras
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
[music : You set me free - Michelle Branch]
oooooh, what a day.yesterday, met up with jade to shop for awhile before we (me, bibi, jade, Cynthia, Chris, Elise, Joanna tan, the twins, Wendy, Kelvin, Jeremy, Heng Leng, Heng Leng's brother, Ivan, Wai Hong, that's all right? sorry if i missed out ur name) went to heng leng's house to celebrate jade's birhday. we combined chris birthday with her's cuz his is today. At first things were normal. not really fun but not really boring. then the embarrassing stuffs happened. fito pee-ed on heng leng's sofa and i overflowed. bleach. heng leng had to lend me one of his shorts to change into. pai seh lo! haha. anyway, that aside, we ordered 4 pizzas for dinner. jade's cake is shaped into a crown and Chris's is a fruit cake. haha, i remembered Chris trying to pinch my calf with his toes and he didn't succeed. bleah.OH Oh! hahaha! kelvin made a dollar bet with me to ask Elise (Chris's darling) to kiss chris and i did! haha. both of them so pai seh. but chris was very initiative so he kissed Elise instead. jade couldn't snap a photo on time so he had to kiss her again. HAHAHA! so sweet la, both of them. hahaha.Chris went off to send Elise home. when he got back, bibi, Chris, Wendy, Joanna, the twins, Ivan, Jeremy and i went into Heng Leng's room to play. we took out his brother's out-of-tuned guitar and played with it. Chris made many funny noises that sound like tribal worships. hahahaha. crazy man. the BEST PART? we had BALLOON FIGHT! its damn FUN! hahaha. its amazing the number of things u can do with some balloons. hahahaha.soon, it was time to go home. Jeremy and i played with the twins in the void deck. haha. more like hide and seek cum catching. so tiring! those 2 fellas so hyper! haha. cynthia joined in too. oh! fito and fredro saw a cockroach and went to step on it! they are indeed kampong kids. haha.PHOTOS!

fito! ah bang Kelvin is carrying him.

the twins in their's little fort.

fito all curious about the air con. haha.

Fredro on Ah Bang Chris.
the other photos are with Jade. wonder when she has time to send them. HMM..
bibi, jade and i walked all the way home. it took us a whole 1 hour to get home from tampines and its so energy draining! but we had fun, if u take away the number of puddles we had to avoid, and the fear of getting caught by the police for underage loitering. those aside, it feels real good to walk home under the stars. there were so many stars last night! X)! the best part? it feels good to exercise and when i got home, i soaked my feet in cold water. damn nice man! ahhhh.. my ten little toes told me i had a long day. i need a spa. haha.oh! speaking of spas, jade so called "hired" me to massage her in her house. the pay is like $3 dollars for 1/2 an hour. hahaha.oh ya, jobs. i got a call from Regent Hotel informing me that i have a job in there and i am to start this Saturday. YAY!oh yeah, Hotels. when jade and i were in Bugis street, we bumped into this lady who interviewed me for the job in Raffles Hotel. she just quit like a few days ago. so sad. my heart ached more when she told me that she had selected me and a few more others for the jobs but it seems like the restaurants in Raffles Hotel have enough people le. oh well.OHOH! JOYCE!!!!!! remember the lucky draw in singapore poly? thanks to u, i won $100 from there! haha. so shocked la! i received a call from a teacher and he asked me to go down on friday to collect the price. omgosh. i'll be damned. hahaha.anyway, thanks a lot to those people who came over to my place to help me find jackie. it was great to have ur company that night. thanks a lot. =)also, thanks to the people who are concern. i really appreciated it. =)and no, jackie is not home yet.
10:27 PM
World of Cameras