Thursday, August 31, 2006
so high!
yesterday esther, wei-qi, jun wei, andrew and i went to meet miss picca!
my gosh! I MISS HER LIKE MAD, i tell u.
we bought for her famous amos cookies and cookie lollipop.
she treated us to lunch in BK.
in BK i sat across miss picca, qi beside me, esther across qi, jun wei beside esther and andrew across jun wei.
yup. so we caught up on the gossips in school and laughed at old memories.
gawd, i know i've said it once but i'm going to say it again. I MISS MISS PICCA!!
mmm. in orchard i saw many school student. there are ACJC, ACS (I), ACS(BR), CHIJ (TP), VJ and SAJC peeps.
later, esther, qi and i went into an underwear store. jun wei pretended to be our bf. hahas. he was like "eh.. u girls choose finish le ma? i pay for u. oh! that one nice. nono. that one even nicer." that kinda crap. hahas. at least he didn't take anything. andrew went to take a girls boxer.
hmm. esther, u know the unequal thing, well, when we sat in picca's car, andrew was next to me right? thanks god my hand was there lo. but its like damn uncomfortable man. oh well.
oh! esther and i had a "catfight" in the bus to qi's house. hahas. well. its actually esther who did most of the scratching and pinching. esther chua! i tell u ah, if my face ever swell up cuz of u, i'll.... hmm. don't know. hahas. wei-qi just sat there watching. hahahas.
okey dokey. gtg home le. see ya!
6:25 PM
World of Cameras
Monday, August 21, 2006
today is a boring day. i felt so empty the whole day and i just space out and stone in class. sigh. what's with me? prelim's coming, for goodness sake!
bibi didnt come to school today. she had cramps. sigh. school days are just so dead boring without her.
so many ppl having their prelims le.
garey, poo siang, jospeh ACS(br) - in the midst of it
choon hee- in the midst of it.
kenny(DHS)- today first paper.
cheryl(GMSS) - 28 sept.
wenying, wan yee (TKGS) - 28 aug
melissa (SJC) - in the midst of it.
polly (CGS) - 90 aug.
kenneth, marcus (VS) - next week.
wen hsin ACS(I) - next week.
yup. these are just some. hahas. good luck to all k?
AHMAD! u crappy guy U! we were so funny history mock exam la! everyone was doing it and yet we could throw paper ball. hahas. i got u on ur ears and back. but darn u. u got me on my nose and mouth. hahahas. oh! and u scare the crap out of me when u sneckily snatch the hp la! u're so crappy, but u're one hell of a funny brother. hahas =)
5:24 AM
World of Cameras
Sunday, August 20, 2006
yeah yeah!
went to study with weiyang and xin yang today. hahas. xin yang is a very nice girl =) hahas. at first, we went to VS to study. then for some reason, we went to marine parade library to study. the place was so crowded la! but we manage to get a space to study. GOSH! there were some cute little children there. a little girl pointed at weiyang and i, whispered something into her little brother's ears and they laughed. i wonder what they are laughing about. i only heard her mum saying "they have, u don't have. in the future will have." something like that la. hahas.
hmm. later we went to parkway to find something for hazel. i saw something perfect but i'm not gona say it here. i'll blog about it after i gave her ok? hahas. or else it will kill the birthday surprise. OOH! i saw the horse-y again! u know the ones that small girls like to sit on and it will rock? hahas. that's the one. i wanted to buy one and put in my room but nah, i couldn't. basically cuz i don't have money and my room doesn't have much space left. or rather, my mum will just throw it away. ahahas. mm. weiyang sent me home but he suddenly got gastric. tsk tsk. see boy, this is what u get when u get lesser than u should. eat more ok? hahas.
esther! thanks for the baggie again! oh! today in hallmark, i saw this "little princess" little statue, then i thought of u. ya know, actually i wanted to buy for u but after looking at the price, i couldn't. its like 80 plus la. hahas.
5:11 AM
World of Cameras
Friday, August 18, 2006
today went to the beach with weiyang. saw jade and her mum at marine parade thou. hahas. they were shopping so i tagged along. jade's mum really LOVE and DOTES on jade lo. darn. i'm envious. hahas. u know the tong tong thing? well, it's 2 dollars each and jade's mum just got her two which is like$4. oh well. we went shopping for a while before meeting her coursin, ah dan.
today is a windy day. i saw SO MANY CUTE DOGGIES! hahas. there's this small little boy boy too. SO CUTE! hahas. walked home with weiyang to VS bus stop. ahh. today is such a nice day.
oh, we saw a blind guy today. erm. if u want to know about him, read weiyang's blog. i haven't have the time to type it. so sorry.
i just got nathan hartono's album from felicia. thanks a lot girl! so girls out there who likes him, want a copy of it? tag me. hahas. i went around singing some of his songs today. ahahas. so high.
hahas. that's part of what i sang all day long. cindy must be damn sick of me singing it le. hahahas.
LALALA. hahaha. LALALA. hahaha. LALALA. hahaha
esther! thanks for the bag ah! hahas.
joys! OMG. i can't believe i saw u at TM! ahh! GAWD, i miss u like mad, i tell u. hahas.
5:08 AM
World of Cameras
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
esther chua jie lin! i'm telling u ah. today i help u find ur hp very angry ok! in a day with u, i can get a big blue black on my thigh, one front teeth got knocked, pushed on countless number of strangers and bla bla bla. when i'm with u, i'm like a disaster waiting to happen. do u know its super embarrassing to be pushed to some passer-by who u have no idea who they are?! u're so dead tml. wahahahaS!
justin, i'm sorry. really i am.
roslyn, thanks for the card yeah? hahas. its lovely. =)
4:58 AM
World of Cameras
Sunday, August 13, 2006
oh man. my bill is gona explode!
pamela! long time didn't hear from u! hope u're doing fine!
btw, those ppl who smsed to 81461961, i'm not the one replying. its weiyang. hahas. but u can always call me on 96463312 ok?
glenis! very sorry i can;t make it for jiang. my dad didn't allow me to go back to visit Qin lao shi today. we'll postpone it to friday ok? wen hsin said he'll see how.
wen hsin! its so hard to contact u can?! oh. that friend of urs. Ritchie is it? he's so crappy la.
carolyn! u know the sms u sent? u said my boyfriend is real nice and all? weiyang was holding on to the phone la! he read it and was like super happy. haha.
2:07 AM
World of Cameras
Saturday, August 12, 2006
kenneth! hahahas. so now u like someone and i can disturb u with her now. ahahaS! germaine score 2, kenneth score 1!
weiyang! i think next time we don't study together la. i think we'll be talking most of the time and that isn't good since u have tests around the corner. i hope u learnt something for ur economics test today. =) thanks for sending me home. i had a fun time tricking u. ahahas!
bibi! thanks for helping me with my dad. he was like super angry cuz of the phone. hahas. thanks ah!
3:35 AM
World of Cameras
Friday, August 11, 2006
i did it! and i'm happy about it. hahas. thanks for telling me whatever that's in your heart. i wouldn't be so happy if it weren't for u. X) hahas.
went to watch "my super ex girlfriend" with weiyang. hahahahas. the movie is so funny, but violent at the same time.
oh after that, he went to meet his classmates for dinner and fireworks. AHH! i wanted to go. but my dad didn't allow. a big BOO HOO for me.
oh but wait! FELICIA! i was at city hall when i saw him! he's so white can?! but ya. he was major cute. vera still likes him is it? stupid train came and it was super pack. he just went into the train with his ACS friends. dang. but oh well, its over.
i saw hazel at city hall too! HAZEL! u look extremely be-uu-ti-ful today la. going on a date HUH? hahas.
ok. time for the BAD NEWS of today. O levels chinese results were released today. i've got a C6! ah. so lousy can! hmm.. carolyn (kc) got a A1, esther B3, si min B3, cindy B4, garey(ACS br) C5, poo siang (ACS br) B3, polly (CGS) A1, wen ying (TKGS) A1, robin (SJI) A1, joseph C6, juvone A1, chin hui A1, wei qi A2, heng leng C5, kelvin C6, chris C6, bibi A2, sup C6, jade B4, cynthia A2, mei ying A1, kenneth (VS) A1.
yup. so here's the results of some of my friends. ah. so sad for mine. sigh. oh well, its over.
5:56 AM
World of Cameras
Thursday, August 10, 2006
oh! poo siang just wish me good luck for the release of chinese results tomorrow. so shock! we have not been talking lately. but POO SIANG! thanks though! haha.
i think i'm going to cry tml. i hope my chinese pass!!
2:55 AM
World of Cameras
national day is over. yup. our national stadium would be torn down too. sigh.
oh! i saw our ex tampinesian on TV yesterday. he was there for the parade. i can't remember his name. he's the mixed blood guy from last yr's 4e3.
oooh! i saw so many cute children too!! hahas. but i like the mini officers the best. wondering what mini officers are? well, actually there isn't such a term. i made it up by myself. hahas. they are just some kids in police, army, navy, air force, girls guides and scouts uniform. they are sooo adorable! AHH!
jessica's mom smsed me today. she wants me to tell all those out there who cares for jess that she is better now and she would be coming out of the hospital real soon! ahh! that's really music to my ears man. i miss her laughter and imitation of betty booper so much! hahahahas.
josh, i have given much thoughts to what u told me. hmm. fine. i'll do what u suggest ok? cheer up!
oh! last saturday, Heng Leng told me that my eyes looks better without spects. hmm. i don't know what to say but thank u. hahas.
piggy calls me germ. =( so sad! cuz my name is GERMaine ma. haha. when i say "HEY!", she would laugh. hahas. crazy girl.
isabel, i had that song le. it goes like this right?
Dont you ever wish you were someone else
You were meant to be the way you are exactly
Dont you ever say you dont like the way you are
When you learn to love yourself, you're better off by far
And I hope you always stay the same
Cuz theres nothing bout you I would change
i think that you could be whatever you want to be
If you could realize, all the dreams you have inside
Dont be afraid if youve got something to say
Just open your heart and let it show you the way
Believe in yourself
Reach down inside
The love you will find will set you free
Believe in yourself , you will alive
Have faith in what you do
You'll make it through.
hahas. ok. i get the message. i'll stay the same. =)
oh! felicia's mom bought her nathan hartono's album. hahah. Fel was so darn happy man. haha. Fel, lend it to me when u are done ok?
ah.. today is a boring day. i mooched around the house, finding some stuffs to do.
i have a serious case of amnesia. jun wei can be my witness. RAHH!
hazel, are u ok? eversince u saw *him, u have been babbling. believe me or not. its obvious. *wink* hahas.
oh man. i'm addicted to blogging le. i'm becoming a publizen. tsk tsk.
2:31 AM
World of Cameras
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
i'm in a state of dilemma.
today is national day. want to wish everyone a HAPPY NATIONAL DAY!
yesterday was garey's birthday. garey, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY! ur birthday card is on the way through mail. =)
felicia, don't be pissed by glad anymore alright? stay happy always. but seriously, u were so comical when u complained about her. haha
jessica!! please get well soon. miss u like HELL!
sigh. this morning, it rained. now, its cold. brr.
i've got some photos to post here.

me and cleone. ex temasekians!
ah!! the other photos can't be uploaded today. sorry. i'll upload it some other times. =) see ya!
10:48 PM
World of Cameras
Sunday, August 06, 2006
UGH! shit u nic! i'm not going to talk to u.
5:31 AM
World of Cameras
gosh. what a day i had yesterday. tampines sec's very own band held a concert in victoria concert hall yesterday. it was alright at first but i totally love the goldilocks and the 3 bears play. it was hilarious, i tell u. goldilocks is played by a guy and little bear was super cute.
mmm. before the concert, wei yang and i went to watch lakehouse in marina square. the movie is nice but we got in 20 minutes late. hahas.
oh! last night was the first fireworks display of the year. i as there with jade, bibi, weiyang, christopher, daniel thian, winston, daniella, ah ben, wei sheng, heng leng, kelvin, zi zao and wei jie. we only say jon and khairul after the whole thing. ahh!! i was bee-uu-tiful! mmm-hmm! jade, bibi and i felt like we're the most fortunate girls man. RAHH!! i'll post a photo of it. its taken by weiyang.

see? oh my gosh. that's all i can say now.
winston seemed very tired yesterday. hope he's ok.
i've 4 blisters with a diameter of 1 cm. ahahahaS! my foot hurt like hell so i took my high heels off and walked barefooted. Gawd! it felt SOO good. hahas.
oh! i just realised that weiyang is in SBA. hahas. later, bibi, jade, daniella, ah ben, chris and heng leng went to drink alcohol. the rest of us went home. i hope jade wouldn't get drunk like mad.
weyang, thanks for walking me home safely! hahas. it's very sweet of u but next time u better tell me when ur hamstring hurts ok?! don't strain it too much. and u're very cute huh? still want to carry me home with that hamstring of urs. u nutcase! hahas.
ooh. my whole body was aching when i woke up this morning. especially my legs. darn it. i came home at 12 am and got an earful of nags from my dad. now i'm not allowed to go visit jess in the hospital and my study date with justin is cancelled. justin! i'm so sorry! we'll postpone it to other days ok? i owe u one BIG TIME. hahas.
today, while reading the Life!, i saw this pictures.

these dogs are damn cute.

this cat is comical! hahas
12:17 AM
World of Cameras
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
ha! i saw this little girl with this BIG toy elmo. ahh! its so cute la! RAHH. my loves for cookie monster and elmo is still alive. hmm. maybe i should have taken a photo of that little girl. betcha all will melt at the sight of her. she's so adorable!!!hmm. band concert is coming and all the band members are so excited over it. yawn. i'm tired.anyway, here's the missing piece meant for one of previous entry. if u are still wondering what happened to our precious estehr chua, here is the FULL story. me, esther, si min, cindy, chi ben, farhah, farah, cheng da, daniel and gideon forms a group. we have been playing netball for the past few P.E lessos. God knows why some people decide to play rough that day. before i go any further, i would like to say ZAHEER AND JING TING! i had fun defending u 2! hahas. we were so hilarious la! right. anyway, i swapped places with gideon and took a break. all was comically well. suddenly, the ball landed in esther's possession. the whole bunch of player, the GK, GS, GD, GA all rushed to get the ball. next thing i know, esther slide on the hard bitumen floor. image the pain she pain she experienced? only one word could be formed in my mind now : terrible. i had to carry her out to the canteen. apparently, she landed on her arm. THANK GOD she didn't break or dislocated her arm. while terence helped her with the scratches, i lifted up her arm. her whole hand was a little swollen and numb with pain. she kept screaming and was on the verge to cry. Zaheercame in with his wounds. the 3 of us kept laughing. don't ask me why. i have no idea. we just kept laughing non stop. weirdos, u might think of us right now and i agree. hahas. terence have to keep shutting esther up. hahas.ok. i need to go iff now. see ya!
8:30 PM
World of Cameras
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
ah! today is boring. study study study.
hmm. yesterday did not have a chance to blog so here's yesterday's entry.
i just realise something. i have many come-and-go friends but i'm glad i have my fair share of stay-with-me friends. u should know u are who. so i just want to say that i treasure u and cherish our memories! hahas. yeah. this is rather random but just thought u would like to know this. =)
darn. wenying and kylie are going to migrate to U.K at the end of this year. another 2 friends going overseas. i'm so gona miss them la. WEN YING! u and ur dog guy thing, boombastic words and craziness. KYLIE! u and ur fashion and shopping spree madness. dang. i'm like missing u 2 now la! hahas.RAHH! hope the end of the year crawls here. however, sad to say, it flies instead. =( my dad promise to bring me there for a visit one day. hope he keeps his promise!
ok. this is getting mushy.
i need a physics tutor. ANYBODY?! i can't do physics for nuts.
i hope cindy quickly come back from K.L. eversince she's gone, i have to sit with ben kok and irritating things happened. i'm not going to say it here cuz it would be mean mean mean. hahas. oh! speaking of mean. me, bibi and sup call jac jac, chalene and janice the powerpuff girls. jac jac is blossom, chalene is bubbles and janice is buttercup. however, me and sup call janice MOJOJOJO cuz bibi says she very mean de. hahas.
hahas. i need to grow up. gotta go! see ya peeps!
7:34 AM
World of Cameras