Saturday, May 27, 2006
yesterday went to miss tan's training with cynthia and sin yee.
had fun.
oh wait!
let's back track, shall we?
ok. its gona be a long long entry to make up for the past few days of my absences. =)
allll righty..
FIRST OFF, it was a day which is both joyful yet disastrous.
joyful becasuse cindy, esther, si min and i had fun on our "toilet trip".
everytme the four of us go to the toliet, there bound to be rither splashing of water, laughing out loud, talking stupid stuffs or pushing each other into a class we happened to pass by.
we played pepsi cola during the last period after mr lai left.
i know, only primary school kids plays that kinda games. but who cares? as long as we are having fun.
mr lai was walking to his blue car.
he claims that is his "wife".
hur hur.
he saw us playing and esther ran into the classroom with cindy. what about me, si min and jonathan, you ask?
well, we stayed out and wave mr lai goodbye.
then he kept trying to shoo us back into class but we stayed put outside till the dismissal bell rang.
that remind me of the day we had to stay back to decorate the classroom.
si min went off early so that left cindy, esther, khairul, alvin and me.
well, as some of you peeps out there know, alvin stayed back just to be with esther.
he didnt do anything la!
anyway, bla bla bla.. all was boring until we listened to " do you want to be my girl" by Jet and we were so dead tired and restless.
somehow, listening to the song gave us newfound energy and esther and i started jumping aroung with the brooms as though they were guitars..
did we have fun! in the end, we were chased out of school cause it was super late and the security guars had to lock up.
if i didnt recall wrongly, suffian's "band" practised the song "take me away" for speech day.
back to yesterday.
the bad part was that i've gotten back my report book and i didnt do well, as per tradition.
i've gotten many Cs, Ds and a F9 for my phyics. the only thing i've got B is for my emaths.
hmm. i wonder how i manage to still be in the 3rd class whicht he teachers claim to have the best subject combination!
i guess my end of the year results wasnt bad.
but this year's my o level, for goodness sake! i'm gona study my butt off and ace it, NO MATTER WHAT!
oh well. anyway, i met kristin for lunch. got to know a few of her juniors.
so far, i know there is priscilla, beverley, jia le, wan ting and alexa. that beverley girl has the same name as my beloved green beverly except that there is an extra "E" in her name.
kris brought me around her school and we saw bev in the canteen.
it was so easy to spot her. due to the fact that she was wearing a long-sleeved white collar shirt and she was taking photos.
kris told me that students will be punish for untucking their blouse/shirt by buying a long-sleeved collar shirt and it cost $10.
typical of bev to breakt eh school rules.
well, if it were me, i wouldnt mind a bit too!
kristin's hp went dead on her and she asked her "daddy" clement (i think) to help her charget the hp.
after lunch, kristin , clement and i walked to the sports hall and met up with cynthia and sin yee at the entrance.
training was fun.
ir's been ages since i've used my racket.
it feels good to exercise again.
this morning i wake up with pain in my muscles.
ahh. it feels so good. well. ironically speaking. hahas.
that's all! now you can look away from the screen and maybe close this window if you wish and carry on doing your stuffs. see ya guys!
11:32 PM
World of Cameras
chinese o level is coming.
2 days left.
seriously, i dont know what to do to study for it.
seems like there is nothing to study about.
still, it gives me the chills.
here's a picture i saw.
the baby is sooo cute!
well. all babies are to me.

that's all for now.
see ya!
2:02 AM
World of Cameras
Sunday, May 21, 2006
wheee! on friday i went to marina square to shop!
i've bought a new top to lighten up my dull wardrobe.
its an off-shoulder top and its from FOX COMPANY!
i don't know about you guys but i love FOX's clothes!
they sell many different kinds of NICE, FUNKY cloths.
from women's and men's tops, pants, skirts and even underwears!
that reminds me of something.
i wanted to buy a cargo pants and a jacket from FOX and it had a 15% more off for any 2 purchases.
my dad, however, thinks that its still a waste of money.
so in the end, i only bought the cargo pants.
the jacket was like so cool la!
its a half-length jacket and it is sporty yet chic!
too bad.
it was delivered to the warehouse along with the other unsold clothes of FOX.
today is sunday right?
i back in church!
today the chapel was WAYY too cold.
the people in the control room must have on the air-con too low.
and i forgot to bring my jacket AGAIN!
oh well.
i guess my forgetfulness has to pay the price.
today i really felt the presence of the Holy Father himself.
pastor Tay was preaching to us about the desire to be with the Lord.
he said that if we're really praying with our whole heart and soul, we will be rising our hand to the Lord.
he also preach about other stuffs
after that,
me and jean went to the hospitality room to mingle.
it was raining so i could not go home just yet.
so to kill time,
we took some pictures.
i'll post some here.

3:07 AM
World of Cameras
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
finally back for an update!
JESSICA wants me to do this birthdae blog listing.
so here goes..
What day is your birthday?
January- Gothic
February- Horny
March- Preppy
April- Adorable
May- Stupid
June- Kinky
July- Popular
August- Beautiful
September- Talkative
October- Pretty
November- Nerdy
December- Kissable
1- BeautyQueen
2- Poser
3- Ninja
4- Actor/Actress
5- Fairy
6- Gay
7- Model
8- Crack-Trash
9- Dog
10- Candy Cane
11- Caution Freak
12- Angel
13- Irish Girl
14- Sex Maniac
15- Punk
16- Alcoholic
17- Teacher's Pet
18- Stoner
19- Pirate
20- Power-Ranger
21- Sexy beast
22- Surfer
23- Piece of Pizza
24- Hottie
25- Druggie
26- Drama Queen
27- Surgeon
28- Princess
29- Rockstar
30- Hooker
31- Care Bear
HUH?! so this tells me i'm a july 13 popular IRISH girl?!
i don't even know how to talk their language!
jessica - adorable HOTTIE! mm. so right!
hazel - BEAUTIFUL drama queen.
pierre - kinky IRISH GIRL?! hahas. pierre has turned to a girl.
andy - kinky POWER RANGER. AHAHAS!
ahmad - popular MODEL.
kah yun - nerdy crack-trash. - no idea what's that. hahas
farhah - popular SURGEON! hahas.
josh - kissable PIECE OF PIZZA. hahahahahas..
michael - talkative surfer.
josephine - nerdy stoner. so not true. jose's a bubbly girl, arent u?
kenny - stupid power ranger. hahahahahahas.
well. that's abt some of my friends. my head aches. i've been on the computer for the past FIVE hours for the first time! HAHAHAHAS!
i'm waiting for my dad to come home so he can go shopping with me.
hais. so long le.
if u guys wana see what u are, check out the list.
see ya guys!
1:19 AM
World of Cameras